
专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)中考1年模拟(山西专用)(含答案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:164080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)中考1年模拟(山西专用) (2024·山西·中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Marco and Kim left the school and walked towards home. “I wish we could play basketball at our neighborhood park.” said Kim. “But the basketball hoop at the park is 1 ,” said Marco. “It hasn’t been fixed yet.” Marco and Kim walked past the town’s recycling station. 2 Marco saw many recyclable plastic, paper and metal objects, he thought of an idea—Maybe we could reuse something to make a basketball hoop. As he looked around the station, an old plastic laundry basket (洗衣篮) caught his 3 . “We can use this.” he held it up and said to Kim. Kim 4 , “It looks useless.” Marco smiled and said, “It won’t look so bad. I could make a fine hoop with it.” At home, Marco made a post and a backboard with some waste wood. Then he 5 the bottom of the basket, stuck the basket to the backboard, and the backboard to the post. After that, he went to the park, dug a hole, and put the post in the 6 . The next day, Kim saw the recycled hoop. He tried and scored a goal. He said 7 , “I was wrong. It is a lot better than I thought.” “When we reuse things, we make waste 8 again.” “Wonderful! Now we can play basketball whenever we want!” Kim shouted and scored another goal. 1.A.old B.dirty C.broken 2.A.If B.When C.Though 3.A.eye B.ear C.nose 4.A.doubted B.explained C.suggested 5.A.cut off B.played with C.looked for 6.A.lake B.street C.ground 7.A.clearly B.patiently C.excitedly 8.A.tidy B.useful C.fresh (2023·山西·中考真题)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Joe got a bar of chocolate from his father for his cleaning work at home. 9 he was ready to eat it, his elder brother Jack returned home from school. He 10 the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away. Joe rushed to his room 11 and locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed, with tears on his face, worrying about his lost chocolate. Learning about it, his father carried a larger bar of chocolate to Joe’s 12 . He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it. He even told that he had a larger bar of chocolate for him. But Joe 13 to listen to his father. He lay on the bed, paying no attention to his father’s knock and talk. He continued to cry, thinking about his small loss(损失). His 14 stopped him from getting a much greater joy. We may 15 a lot of time, energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives, and blaming(责怪)the persons who we think are responsible for our losses. By doing this, we are actually refusing to receive 16 gifts from life. It’s really foolish action. 9.A.If B.When C.Though 10.A.ate up B.took away C.gave out 11.A.carefully B.bravely C.angrily 12.A.room B.school C.yar ... ...

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