
专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)中考+1年模拟 (山东专用)(含答案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:59次 大小:800873Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)中考 1年模拟 (山东专用) (2024·山东临沂·中考真题)On April 18 each year, people all over the world celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites (国际古迹遗址日). In China, young people are realizing the importance of their history and culture. Many are doing their best to protect Chinese cultural sites and try to promote (推广) them. Finding new artifacts (文物) Xu Danyang, a 29-year-old archaeologist (考古学家), found an amazing bronze statue (青铜像) at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan. In 2021, he dug out this statue. In the beginning, his team thought it was a bird. But as they continued the digging, they had a surprise. It turned out (结果是) to be a statue of a man, about 16cm high. It shows a man kneeling with his head turned, and it surprises everyone who sees it. Making maps for protection Wu Yunjie who was born in the 1990s found a new way — by making a special map to show the best cultural sites in China. Wu is now famous on the Internet. He marked almost 10,000 places like old temples, towers, bridges and houses. Each site with colorful marks showed how special and important they are. As a kid, Wu loved going to a temple in his hometown in Ezhou, Hubei. However, it was pulled down years ago. He was sad and decided to record all the cultural sites in China. He started to travel across the country. He visits places in person and adds them to his map, making sure we all remember them. Now, Wu asks for help from people online to make his map better and better. And he hopes to share this amazing map with everyone who respects (尊重)history and culture soon. Making explanations (解释) fun Zhang Bin is a 31-year-old tour guide at Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum in Xi’an, Shaanxi. He works to answer visitors’ questions about the famous Terracotta Warriors and shares all of his knowledge about them. Zhang often uses the traditional Chinese performance art of xiangsheng to explain them. He is doing something meaningful for the site. 1.How many ways are mentioned to protect and promote Chinese cultural sites in this passage A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. 2.Why were Xu Danyang and his team surprised at the bronze statue A.Because the statue was very big and scary with his head turned. B.Because the statue changed from a bird into a kneeling child. C.Because the statue which they thought was a bird turned out to be a man. 3.What does Wu Yunjie do to make his map of Chinese cultural sites ① He marks sites on his map. ② He visits places in person. ③ He asks for help online. ④ He answers visitors’ questions. A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ 4.What's the best title (标题) for the passage A.Spreading Traditional Chinese Art B.Introducing Chinese Cultural Sites C.Respecting History with Action (2024·山东临沂·中考真题)There was a very mean man named Mr. Black who lived on the sixth floor of an apartment building. He was so impolite to his neighbors that no one even kne ... ...

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