

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:58147Byte 来源:二一课件通
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广东省汕头市立新学校2023-2024学年八年级下学期4月月考英语试题 一、单项选择。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共20分) 1. WeChat(微信) is one of the most convenient ways of ____. A.information B.competition C.communication D.pollution 2.—My parents don't allow me _____ my phone on school days. — They are strict. But they always want the best for you. A.to use B.use C.using D.used 3. We will have a picnic tomorrow. But if it rains, we'll play chess ____. A.even B.almost C.perhaps D.instead 4. —I'm afraid that we can't ____ the math problem ____ the teacher helps us. —That's true. It's too difficult. A.work on; if B.work on; unless C.work out; if D.work out; unless 5. Last night, he offered ____ me home, but I refused. A.drive B.driving C.to drive D.drove 6. —I always feel ____ when speaking in front of others. —Take it easy and be brave. A.surprised B.nervous C.interested D.different 7. If you ____ his work with hers, you'll find hers is much better. A.fill B.provide C.mix D.compare 8.Every evening my father _____ newspapers while my mother watches TV. A.puts up B.looks for C.gives away D.looks through 9. ____ Mr. Smith's opinion, Allen is the best football player in our school. A.For B.In C.At D.With 10.Mary shut the window just now _____ she could keep the insects out. A.so that B.when C.till D.after 11.When my mother came into my room, I was just lying in bed and waiting for the alarm to _____. A.put off B.take off C.turn off D.go off 12.Jim didn't _____ the importance of English. As a result, he failed in the exam. A.get B.receive C.realize D.care 13. After reading the newspaper, we knew the ____ about the accident. A.plan B.advice C.truth D.decision 14. Our team trained very hard but lost the game this time. It was ____ different from what we expected. A.heavily B.completely C.seriously D.quickly 15. Listen! The heavy rain is beating ____ the window. A.with B.for C.to D.against 16. I ____ on the computer when Frank called me last night. A.work B.will work C.was working D.am working 17.Kelly, don't go out, please. It's raining _____. A.slowly B.heavily C.luckily 18. —When shall I come to your home, in the morning or afternoon —____. I'll be in all day. A.Either B.Neither C.None D.Another 19. When you are in the library, you should read ____. A.in surprise B.in silence C.in English D.in groups 20. —Gina won first prize ____ —I'm serious. She did really well in the competition. A.What's wrong B.I hope not. C.It's up to you. D.You're kidding! 二、完形填空。(共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A boy was walking in the street 21. a man came over to him and asked him the 22. to the station. The boy was very naughty(调皮的). He 23. to play a joke on the man. He pointed to 24. side of the road and said, "Go down the street until you 25. a shop. You can find it on your left!" The man 26. him and went awa ... ...

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