
Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake(共31张PPT,5课时) 鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:235415Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake 第1课时 Section A (1a-2d) 1.The kind of    / blend (r)/ is on sale.You can buy one for only 60 yuan. 2.—Please   /p (r)/ some water into the bowl for me. —Sure,I’ll do it right away. Ⅰ.根据句意和所给音标提示,在句中空格处填写上正确的单词(每空填一个单词) blender pour 3.Most of the kids like to drink    / j g t/ very much,because it tastes good for them. 4.—There is nothing better than eating a   .  / w t (r)mel n/ in summer. —Yes,I think so. 5.If you put some    /s lt/ in the soup,it will be more delicious. yogurt watermelon salt 6.Jane    (shake) the bottle before she drank the orange juice. 7.   (final),we arrived at the train station on time and the train left at 4:30 p.m. 8.Don’t forget    (close) the door and the window when you leave.The radio says it will rain heavily tonight. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 shook Finally to close 9.—Let’s    (make) an orange milk shake by ourselves. —Sounds cool. 10.I don’t like the beef soup at all.It’s so   .  (salt). make salty 11.How many apples do you need to make the fruit milk shake   12.刚才我给了她两勺酸奶。     13.Let’s make fruit salad together!   14.你还有什么要做的吗     15.I think three bananas should be enough.   Ⅲ.英汉互译 制作水果奶昔,你需要多少苹果 I gave her two spoons of yogurt just now. 让我们一起制作水果沙拉吧! What else do you want to do 我认为三个香蕉应该足够了。 第2课时 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) ———单元语法突破 一、祈使句 1.含义:用来表示请求、命令、建议、劝告等的句子。通常省略主语 (you),句首动词用原形。 2.构成形式 (1)肯定式 ①Do型:动词原形+其他 如: Listen to me carefully!认真听我说! ②Be型:Be+形容词 如: Be careful!当心! ③Let型:Let +sb.+动词原形+其他 如: Let’s watch the cartoon.我们看卡通片吧。 (2)否定式 ①Don’t+动词原形+其他 如: Don’t close the door,please.请不要关门。 ②No+名词或动名词 如: No parking here.这里禁止停车。 No photos!禁止拍照! 二、可数名词与不可数名词 1.分辨可数名词和不可数名词 (1)可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,而不可数名词没有单复数之分。 pen—pens 钢笔 bread面包 (2)可数名词表示数量时其前可以加不定冠词、基数词;不可数名词表 示数量时用“不定冠词∕基数词+计量名词+of+不可数名词”结构。 an apple一个苹果 two watermelons两个西瓜 a cup of milk一杯牛奶 (3)可数名词的数量用how many提问;不可数名词的量用how much提问。 (4)不可数名词前可用much,a little,little等修饰。可数名词复数 前可用many,few,a few等修饰。 [温馨提示] some,any,a lot of,lots of等既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。 2.可数名词的复数 (1)规则变化 ①一般情况下,在词尾加-s。 book→ books书 ②以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,大多数在词尾加-es。 bus→buses公共汽车 watch→watches 手表 ③以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词,把y变为i,再加-es。 city→cities城市 ④以f或fe结尾的名词,将f或fe变成v,再加-es。 leaf→leaves树叶 knife→knives刀 ⑤以o结尾的名词变复数,一类加-s;另一类加-es。 radio→radios收音机 potato→potatoes土豆 (2)不规则变化 ①元音字母发生变化。 man→men男人 tooth→teeth ... ...

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