
Unit 6 At the snack bar story time 表格式教案

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:34次 大小:20691Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 At the snack bar 教学内容 Story time 课型 New 备课时间 教学目标 1. 学生能够阅读理解故事内容; 2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演故事; 3. 学生能够在表演的基础上,适当拓展改编故事为小短剧并进行表演。 重点、难点 1. 从整体上阅读故事并理解; 2. 语音语调正确地朗读对话,表演故事。 课前准备 PPT 需要 1 课时 第 1 课时 总备课第 课时 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. Greeting 2. Lead-in(Get into the context) T: Today I’ll take you to some places and let’s find food, OK Step 2 Presentation 1. Game Village (Play a game) A. Shout the name T: If you see words or pictures, say it loudly and quickly! If you see the boxes, say Yummy! Yummy! B. Guess the food T: In the game there are some boxes. Let’s guess what’s in it 答案:a cup of coffee a glass of milk some noodles C. Say a chant 用刚刚的食物名称编成一段chant D. One-min-non-stop talking (一分钟说不停) S1: I’d like…What would you like, S2 S2: … 2. Cartoon centre (Learn the story) T: Look at our friends, where are they At the snack bar. T: What are they doing at the snack bar What food can you find at the snack bar Let’s watch and tick. A. Watch and tick. B. Watch and match T: Mike would like…Helen would like…Dad would like… Who can find the answer Come and match. C. Read and answer T: Boys and girls, you know the story so well. Now, please open your books, read the story by yourselves and find how to ask as a host. S1: What would you like T: Yes, we can ask like this as a host. (板书What would you like ) Anyone S2: What about you S3: Anything else D. Read the story Step4. Consolidation: Happy snack bar T: We are going to Happy snack bar! Look, our friends are here too. Let’s treat them! You can work in groups of four, use the food card you have and get help from the exercise paper! 以下为exercise paper的设计: 主人明星朋友What would you like I’d like…Can I help you Yes, please.What about…?No, thanks.Anything else?Thank you.Would you like… … Step5 Homework 1. Listen, read and act the story. 2. Find more words about food. 3. Share your food with friends. 二次复备 教案描述 设计思路及教改运用: 一个整体的情景创设迅速吸引学生的眼球,并可以在授课的过程中不断刺激学生的注意力。本课时讲授第六单元第一课时Story time,依托目前很火的一个电视节目,创设了一个类似的情景,闯关赢食物,最后用赢得的食物提供点餐的活动。学生要想在最终环节中款待自己的朋友,必须完成一个个任务赢取食物。 板书设计 Unit 6 At the snack bar What would you like I’d like… What about you Anything else 教后反思

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