
Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart BRead and write 课件+素材(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:13次 大小:101618198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part BRead and write PEP版六年级上册 Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Read and write Learning goals 能正确描述交通规则,熟练掌握 “by+交通工具”的用法。 了解英语中的连读现象。 Let’s review Let’s review What do the traffic lights mean Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Let’s read Brain storm Ways to go to school by plane on foot by bus by car by ship by subway by taxi by bike Let’s guess How does he go to school By bike. By bus. On foot. Read and answer Do Robin go to school No, he doesn’t. What does Robin read Read and answer What does Robin read Different ways to go to school. B. I like school. How many ways to go to school can you find in the text Underline “___” them. Read and underline Four ways. They’re “ on foot, by sled, by ferry and by plane. Let’s learn Munich Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. Let’s learn In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. It’s fast. Alaska Let’s learn Let’s learn In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didn’t work. Let’s match on foot by sled by ferry by plane Let’s read and tick or cross. In Munich, Germany, some children go to school on foot. ( ) Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ship. ( ) In Alaska, USA, some children go to school by sled. ( ) In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children went to school by ferry in 2009. ( ) ferry. plane √ × × √ 全班分为4组,每组描述一幅图片。 In _____, some children _____. Because _____. 描述交通方式时,不 要忘记动词“go”哦! What should they pay attention to Write down some suggestions. In _____, some children _____ _____. Because_____. They must _____. They mustn’t _____. Pay attention Pay attention! You must Don’t On foot You must stop at a red light. By sled You must drive slowly. By ferry You must wear a life jacket. On foot Don’t go at a red light. By sled Don’t let the dogs run too fast. By ferry Don’t run on the ferry. Tips for pronunciation Tips for pronunciation 英语句子中连读的运用: 1. 在同一个意群(意思密切相关的一组词)中,如果前一个词的读音以辅音音素结尾,后一个词的读音以元音音素开头,前边的辅音音素和后边的元音音素可以连起来读,这种现象叫连读。 2. 用符号“ ︶ ”表示。 3. 连读所构成的音节一般不重读。 Read and find more Let’s know more motorcycle CRH =China Railway High-speed jeep tricycle 选词填空。 1.The Santa Claus sends gifts to children _____ sled. 2._____ run on the ferry. 3.It’s red now. You _____ wait here. Don’t must by 按要求完成下列句子。 1. Let the dogs run too fast.(改为否定句) _____ let the dogs run too fast. 2. I don't go to school.(改为肯定句) I _____ to school. 3. They go to school on foot. (就画线部分提问) _____ _____ they go to school Don't go How do A. Go at a red light. B. Drive a sled slowly. C. Slow down and stop at a yellow light ... ...

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