

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:57次 大小:1213687Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年度第一学期 小学六年级英语素养综合评价(1) 班 等级: 听力部分 、 听音选出你所听到的单词。 )1.A.down B.brown C.town ( )2.A.intercsted B.interest C.interesting ( )3.A.GPD B.BDS C.GDP ( )4.A.Italy B.Italians C.Italian )5.A.pizza B.Palace C.pasta 二、 听音选择正确的答语。 ( )l.A.It's a muscum. B.It's near the museum. )2.A.Ycs,itis B.No,there isn't. 姓 ( )3.A.No,turn left. B.No,turn right. ( )4.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B.It's near the bookstore.- ( )5.A.No,it isn't B.No,it is far. 三、听填信息,补全句子。 A:Excuse me,where's the B:It's next to the A: I get to the B:First, Then -at the hospital. A:Thank you. B:You're welcome. 四、听音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是否相符,用“V或“×”表示。 ( )1.The post office is near the supermarket. 座 )2.First,Liu Yun should turn right. )3.Liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot. ( 4.Liu Yun asks a policeman for help. )5.Liu Yun can take the No.16 bus at the bus stop 笔试部分 一、 选择正确的图片或词句。 A.shop B.school 2 at the bookstore. A.Turn right B.Turn left 小学六年级英语素养综合评价(1)第1页 A.hospital B.bookstore 自层码官间 A.compass B.crossing )5. Go straight. )6. The cinema is on the left. B )8.Robin has BDS.Which one is BDS B. A A 二、 选择最佳答案,填在题前括号内。 )l.Sarah is me.I'm behind Sarah. A.in front of B.on C.under )2.-Is it far from here - It's near. A.No B.Yes C.OK ( )3.-How can we _there A.get B.to get C.get to )4.The hospital is next the museum. A.to B.at C.on )5. a pet hospital in your city A.Is there B.Are there C.Is this )6.Turn left the crossing. A.at B.on C.in )7.The restaurant is next to the park Dong fang Street. A.at B.on C.to )8. Where is the London Eye A.I'm sorry B.Excuse me C.Thank you. )9.I can the boys find the way. A.to heln B.help C.helping )10.I want a new book. A.buy B.buying C.to buy )11.Follow the BDS,we can the bookstore. A.go B.get to C.next )12.Is your home far_ -the school A.at B.in C.from )13.I'm hungry.I want to go to an Italian A.office B.cinema C.restaurant 小学六年级英语素养综合评价(1) 第2页

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