
2023-2024学年鲁教版(五四学制)九年级全一册Unit10 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6 单元复习课件 (共27张PPT)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:289248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 10 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6. Section A did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacher认真做作业以达到一位严厉的老师的标准(P73) standard名词,意为“标准;水平”。常用短语: ▲All of that company’s products on the market for sale meet the standards. 那家公司在市场上销售的所有产品都符合标准。 standard还可作形容词,意为“标准的”。 ▲Do you know what a standard soldier should be 你知道一个标准的军人应该是什么样的吗 【辨析】standard,level两种“标准” standard 通常指事先制定出来的一种客观、公正的“标准;基准;规范” level 常指“水平;水准”,尤指“水平高度”,也可指建筑物、岩石等的“层” Our teacher sets very high standards on us in the class.But my English level is quite poor,so I’m afraid of failing the exam this time. 我们的老师在班上给我们树立的目标很高。但我的英语水平很差,所以这次恐怕考试不及格。 strict形容词,意为“严厉的;严格的”。常用短语:be strict with sb.对某人要求严格;be strict about sth.对某事要求严格。 ▲My parents are very strict with me,and they are also very strict about my studies. 我的父母对我要求很严格,而且对我的学业要求也很严格。 (  )1.—It’s his new book,but I think it is more interesting than his other books. —I agree with you.His latest book is up to his highest    . A.choice    B.standard C.purpose D.wealth 2.这里的人们生活水平很高。 The people here have a      of living. 3.水位上升,就会发生洪水。 When water      rise,flooding results. 4.他对孩子们管得似乎太严了。 He seems to be too      his young ones. B high standard/level level strict with I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.我记得在一场足球比赛中连续进了两个球。(P73) remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”,强调事情已经做过,只是忘记了这件事。如: ▲I remember closing the door. 我记得关上门了。(已关上) 【注意】remember to do sth.意为“记着去做某事”,强调事情还没做。 ▲Remember to close the door,please. 请记得关门。(还未关) 【图解】 in a row意为“连续几次地”,在句中常作状语。如: ▲She sang four songs in a row. 她连续唱了四首歌。 in a row还表示“(房屋、商店、座位等)排成一行、一列”。如: ▲They were standing neatly in a row. 他们整齐地站成一行。 1.I remember singing three songs without resting at the party. . 2.离开房间时,请记得关灯。 . 3.她连续三年作为志愿者在一个乡村当老师。 She has volunteered as a teacher in a village for three years     . 我记得在聚会上连续唱了三首歌没有休息。 Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. in a row Looking back at these past four years...回首过去的四年……(P75) look back at是固定词组,意为“回首(往事);回忆;回顾”。 ▲I look back with pride and amazement at the happy time. 我回顾那些快乐的时光,心中充满了自豪和惊叹。 ▲Let’s look back at what we have learned this class. 让我们回顾一下这节课学的内容。 【归纳】look的相关短语 (  )1.The traveler     his map to make sure he was not lost. A.looked after   B.looked up C.looked for D.looked down 2.在月球上行走回望地球是相当精彩的 ... ...

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