
2025年中考英语复习课件(共34张PPT) 第三节阅读理解之细节理解题

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:227971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 授课对象 中考生 授课目标 掌握阅读理解细节题做题技巧 熟练运用寻找路标词汇定位方法 教学难点 用路标词汇定位 教学亮点 多细节题目 阅读细节题 分析中考阅读理解考情 中文阅读形式导入 找细节方法 路标词汇 文章定位 对照排除 真题演练 做题验证 设问方式 01 02 03 04 阅读理解题型 细节题 主旨题 猜词题 推断题 Ivy English 5G网络比4G速度更快,不是靠增强通讯基站的信号发射功率,而是靠扩容传输宽带。5G基站和4G基站一样都是小于40微瓦/平方厘米。而且,基站覆盖率越密,手机信号接收才越好,用户受到的电磁辐射反而会越小。所以,随着通讯基站越来越多,信号更好,辐射也更小。 第一段 Ivy English 张三丰叫道,“鞑子住手,休得行凶伤人!”极速板橹,将渡船摇近,跟着身子纵起,大袖飘飘,从空中扑向小船。两名蒙古武官嗖嗖两箭,向他射来。张三丰袍袖挥动,两枝羽箭远远飞了出去,双足踏上船板,左掌挥出,登时两名番僧摔出丈许。 第二段 Ivy English 1.第几段话是选自武侠小说? 2.主人公是谁? 3.主人公做了什么? Ivy English 细节理解题 张三丰叫道,“鞑子住手,休得行凶伤人!”极速板橹,将渡船摇近,跟着身子纵起,大袖飘飘,从空中扑向小船。两名蒙古武官嗖嗖两箭,向他射来。张三丰袍袖挥动,两枝羽箭远远飞了出去,双足踏上船板,左掌挥出,登时两名番僧摔出丈许。 Ivy English I have many hobbies,such as playing basketball,playing the guitar and reading books. Basketball is my favorite.My mother said that good body is the most important. I like guitar because it is easy to learn.I have learnt it for five years. Why do I like books Because it can give me knowlege and let know about the world. 1.Which one is not his hobby A.paly basketball B.paly the guitar C.read books D. watch movie 2.What did his mother said A.Study hard,or you will lost your girl friend. B.Being healthy is the most important. C. Going to bed late is bad. D. Jay Chou is handsome. 找细节方法 ·找路标词汇 人名/地名/时间/数字/年代/日期 ·读一整句 ·题干文章对照 ·排除选答案 核心名词/核心动词/核心形副词 Ivy English I have many hobbies,such as playing basketball,playing the guitar and reading books. Basketball is my favorite.My mother said that good body is the most important. I like guitar because it is easy to learn.I have learnt it for five years. Why do I like books Because it can give me knowlege and let know about the world. 1.Which one is not his hobby A.paly basketball B.paly the guitar C.read books D. watch movie 2.What did his mother say A.Study hard,or you will lost your girl friend. B.Being healthy is the most important. C. Going to bed late is bad. D. Jay Chou is handsome. ·找路标词汇 ·读一整句 ·题干文章对照 ·排除选答案 找细节方法 ·找路标词汇 人名/地名/时间/数字/年代/日期 ·读一整句 ·题干文章对照 ·排除选答案 核心名词/核心动词/核心形副词 顺序一致原则 同义替换原则 Ivy English 设问方式 1.单一细节题 5W1H 2.多细节题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned Which of the following is NOT true Ivy English Education is very close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them h ... ...

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