
Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger-【弯道超车】牛津深圳版暑假新六年级英语 单元知识点讲解+例题精炼(含答案)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:92次 大小:286828Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 Animals in danger 单元知识点讲解 I. 必记单词 thousand n. 一千 hundred n. 一百 wild adj. 野生的 way n. 路,方式,方法 die v. 死亡 rhino n. 犀牛 learn v. 学会,学习 send v. 安排去,寄,送 II. 常考短语 in danger 面临危险 in the past 在过去 take care of 照顾,照料 go for a walk 去散步 drive away 赶走 III. 重点句型 In the past, there were many pandas. But now there are only about six hundred pandas in the wild. IV. 单元语法 -- there be 句型 there be 句型 There be 句型表示人或事物的存在。常见的 there be 形式如下: 肯定式:there is / there are …… 否定式:there is /are not …… 疑问式:Is/Are there…… 注意:there be 句型中的 be 动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 There be 中 be 动词的用法: (1)如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,Be 用“is 或 was”。 There is a basketball in the box. 盒里有一个篮球。 (2)如果句子的主语是复数名词,be 动词用“are 或 were”。 There are many birds in the tree. 树上有许多鸟儿。 (3)如果有两个或 两个以上的名词做主语,be 动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“就近原则”。 There is an orange and some bananas in the basket. 篮子里哟一个橙子和一些香蕉。 There are some bananas and an orange in the basket. 篮子里有一些香蕉和一个橙子。 例题精炼 一、选择题 1.—How many blue whales are there in the wild now ( ) —_____ A.About 10 thousand. B.About thirty hundred. C.About one thousand. 2.—_____ ( ) —We can protect their home. A.Why are these animals in danger B.Where do the wild animals live C.What can we do to help wild animals 3.In the past there were many South China tigers, but now there is likely none in the wild. The South China tigers are _____. We should help them. ( ) A.safe B.in danger C.dangerous 4.Today more and more people want to save those wild animals _____. ( ) A.in the wild B.in danger C.in dangerous 5.Elsa _____ the rhino and saved Joy. ( ) A.drives away B.drived away C.drove away 6.Last Monday, I met Tom on my way _____ school. And I met him again on my way _____ home. ( ) A.to; / B.to; to C./; / 7.There _____ many wild animals before but now there _____. ( ) A.was; aren’t B.weren’t; are C.were; aren’t 8.In the past, there were many _____, but now there is likely none in the wild. ( ) A.South China tiger B.south China tigers C.South China tigers 9.Now there are only about ten _____ blue whales in the wild. ( ) A.hundred B.thousand C.thousands 10.These animals are _____. We should protect them. ( ) A.dangerous B.in danger C.in the wild 11.—What can you see at night ( ) —I can see _____ stars in the sky. A.thousand B.thousands of C.thousand of 12.There are about _____ countries and regions(地区) in the world. ( ) A.two hundred B.two thousand C.ninety-nine 13.There _____ only a few South China tigers now. ( ) A.are B.were C.had 14.Autumn comes. The bird has to fly _____ the north _____ the south. ( ) A.too; to B.from; to C.to; from 15.There is only a little _____ and some _____ ... ...

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