
北师大版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:60次 大小:1462255Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Sports and Fitness 英语教学设计 授课题目 The Underdog 所属学段 Senior high school 模拟授课年级 Grade 1 教材分析 The theme of this unit is "people and society". The lesson is a reading discourse of Unit2 entitled The Underdog discussing the topic of "sports spirit". The article is a story about Paul, a replacement player on his school basketball team, who has a height disadvantage but still loves basketball. And through hard work and perseverance in training, he earned himself a chance to play in an important game and helped his team turn failure into success finally. The author want to help students understand sports spirit and the qualities of athletes and convey to the students that inherent deficiencies do not mean inherent failures. Later efforts will make up for the inborn deficiencies. The passage is a narrative. It contains story background, characters, development, climax, and ending. The key words in the article are mainly about basketball and game, for example, do jump shots, make shot after shot, etc. 学情分析 The students in grade one of senior high school have already learned English for years. They are able to speak and communicate with their friends in simple English. They are highly motivated in acquiring English acknowledge and are gradually forming the ability to obtain information from the English text, and analyze problems in alogical way. The topic Sports and Fitness is close to student's life. However, most of students could not summarize the story in their own words. Besides, junior high school classroom pays more attention to the input of knowledge, some students' English expression and enthusiasm of classroom interaction will be a big challenge for the students. What's more, the differences of students' cognitive level, the capture of information of the details and the understanding of the environmental protection awareness are also a big challenge. 教学目标 Based on the analysis of teaching material and students, teaching objectives are established according to the core competences of English subject. I. Language competence: 1.Students can guess the meaning of the underdog through context and teacher's guidance; 2.Students can learn the meaning and usage of sports related topic vocabulary, such as champion, crash, gather, defeat,inspiration and so on; 3.Students can obtain and sort out factual information in the text that describes Paul himself and the basketball game. II. Cultural awareness: 1.Students can learn the spirit of sports and put it into practice. 2.Students can realize the reasons for Paul's successful transformation from an “underdog" to a “big guy” and learn from Paul's good qualities like persistence and struggle; III. Thinking literacy: 1.Through reading the article, learn about Paul's success process and find out what difficulties he encountered. 2.Through Paul's story helps students develop their critical thinking skills. 3.Students can talk about the essence of an underdog hero both critically and ... ...

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