
译林版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Exploring Poetry 综合测评小卷(含答案)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:24次 大小:152001Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新译林选择性必修一Unit4综合测评小卷 一、词形变换 二、汉语释义 I.Reality shows attract a large percentage of the people.[reality基本义“真实”] 2.n our impression,his father was a remote,quiet man.[remote基本义“遥远的”] 3.Americans always drive to supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week.[frozen基本义“结冰的”] 4.It was cold;the man pulled up his collar(衣领)and put his hands to his frozen face. 5.She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.[distinguish基本义“区分;辨别”] 6.The new complex will provide 10 million square feet of office space.[complex基本义“综合体”] 7.It's a logical site for a new supermarket,with the housing development nearby.[logical基本义“符合逻辑的”] 8.If the goods were damaged in the post,you can put in a claim to the post office.[claim基本义“声称;断言”] 9.People not only cast on-line votes themselves,but also urge others to vote for competitions.[cast “扔”] 10.Cultural barriers (壁垒)find expression in language,thinking pattern,value system and religious belief.[belief基本义“相信;信任”] 三、单句填空 1.He_____(undergo)a lot of hardships in his childhood. 2.I had a strong belief_____my power to get what I wanted. 3.I was astonished by the size and_____(complex)of the problem. 4.She_____(bend)down,picked up a rock,and threw it into the trees. 5.Many experts advocate_____(reward)your child for good behaviour. 6.The Town Hall completed in the 1800's was the most_____(distinguish)building at that time. 7.Before birth,babies can distinguish their mother's voice_____that of a female stranger. 8._____reality,different students have different learning habits,which I think influence their learning efficiency(效率)greatly. 9._____(work)for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. 10.A book_____(entitle)Battle Hymn (圣歌)of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. 四、完成句子 1.The limits of a person's intelligence,_____(般说来),are fixed at birth,but whether he reaches these limits will depend on his environment. 2.If he takes on this work,he will_____(别无选择只能应对)an even greater challenge. 3.High schools should_____(重枧)developing students' interpersonal communication skills. 4.Arts_____(有助于文化发展)when people gather together to share their experience and renew their energy. 5.Once you form the habit of_____(把…归咎于其他人或事)a bad situation,you are a loser. 五、翻译句子 1.放飞你的想象,敢于梦想。(run wild;dare) _____ 2.司机不应为这个交通事故负责。(be to blame) _____ 3.我相信,我们可以一起改变世界。(belief:make a difference) _____ 4.不快乐的童年会给一个人的一生蒙上阴影。(cast a shadow on/over) _____ 5.李白的浪漫主义风格也深深植根于他所处的社会历史环境中。 _____ 六、微写作 Du Fu,known as the Poet Sage ()was a famous Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. He 1._____(是…的代表)the highest achievements of classical Chinese poetry. His poems 2._____(具有…的特征)the realistic style.He used his poems to closely 3._____(把个人的命运和…联系起来)that of both the nati ... ...

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