
外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 War and peace 词汇过关练(含答案)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:10次 大小:39938Byte 来源:二一课件通
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选择性必修三Unit 3 单词表单词过关练 重点单词单句语法填空: 1.With a sharp cry of horror,she drew back (violent). 翻译: 2.His objective was (play)golf and win. 翻译: 3. his horror,he realized the car was speeding up. 翻译: 4.Do you recall him (say)anything about that 翻译: 5. _(bare)could I hear what she was saying. 翻译: 6.Building a (memory)to Columbus has been his lifelong dream. 翻译: 7.The editor of the newspaper was condemned lacking integrity. 翻译: 8.These companies have done outstanding work human relations. 翻译: 9.The injured man was in a (stability)condition. 翻译: 10.The emergency response team is always standby in case of a disaster. 翻译: 11 You have to do well (academic)to get into medical school. 翻译: 12.High level of lead could damage the (intellect)development of children. 1 选择性必修三Unit 3 单词表单词过关练 翻译: 13.Vietnam _(emerge)as the world's third-biggest rice exporter. 翻译: 14.The advertisement depict (smoke)as attractive. 翻译: 15.Here the window plays prominent part in the design. 翻译: 16.Spaces between buildings would be dedicated _parking lots and landing fields. 翻译: 17.The painting is not (represent)of his work of the period. 翻译: 18.A series of movies will be shown (commemorate)the 30th anniversary of his death. 翻译: 19.To accomplish his own end,he placed (collect)interests in the back of his mind. 翻译: 20.The library houses lots of unpublished documents that are relevant your topic. 翻译: 2 选择性必修三Unit 3 单词表单词过关练 Startout&Understanding ideas Translation(vocabularyand phrases) 1 landing n. 2 allied adj. 3 troop n. 4 code-name V. 5 tide n. 6 commander n. 7 parachute n. 8 coastline n. 9 gunfire n. 10 tank n. 11 solemn adj. 12 weary V. 13 杰出的,优秀的 adj. 14 迫使处于不幸的境地 V. 15 纪念的,追悼的 adj. 16 解放 V. 17 勉强才能 adv. 18 回想,回忆起 V. 19 在..当中 adv. 20 淹 死 V. 21 暴力 n. 22 最高的 adj. 23 狂暴的,凶暴的 adj. 24 目标,目的 n. 25 惊 恐 n. 3 选择性必修三 Unit 3 单词表单词过关练 重点词汇拓展: 1 landing n. →v./n. 2 commander n. →V. 3 memorial adj. →n. →V. 4 liberate V. →n. 5 violent adj. →n. 6 objective n. →adj. →adv. 7 horror n. →adj. Using language Translation (vocabularyand phrases) 1 bomb V. 2 peacekeeping n. 3 peacekeeper n. 4 friction n. 5 disarm V. 6 combatant n. 7 ammunition n. 8 professionalism n. 9 制服 n. 10 武器,兵器 n. 11 稳固,稳定 n. 12 待命 4 选择性必修三 Unit3 单词表单词过关练 Developing ideas &Presenting ideas: Translation(vocabularyand phrases) 1 aggression n. 2 sardine n. 3 dire adj. 4 daunting adj. 5 fortify V. 6 shirk V. 7 crowning adj. 8 glory n. 9 reaffirm V. 10 blueprint n. 11 grain n. 12 invader n. 13 学术的 adj. 14 智力的,脑力的 adj. 15 联合的 adj. 16 简单的;粗糙的 adj. 17 扰乱 V. 18 出现 V. 19 描述;描写 V. 20 同龄人;同辈 n. 21 多雾的 adj. 22 微风 n. 23 著名的;杰出的 adj. 24 奉献 n. 25 代表 n. 26 为.…举行纪念活动 V. 27 周年纪念日 n. 28 集体的;共同的 adj. 5 选择性必修三 Unit3 单词表单词过关练 29 金额,款项 n. 30 有关 ... ...

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