
Module 5 Lao She Teahouse.Unit 3 Language in use 课堂检测题(含答案)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:19507Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024—2025学年 八上外研 Module 5 Unit 3 课堂检测题 Class_____ Name_____ Number_____ 一、根据要求,写出下列单词的变形 1. actress n. 女演员→ (对应词)→ (动词) 2. common adj. 普通的;一般的→ (副词) 3. twentieth num. 第二十→ (基数词) 4. describe v. 描写;描述→ (名词) 5. novel n. (长篇)小说→ (名词:小说家) 6. magic adj. 魔术的;戏法的→ (形容词:有魔力的) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Her mother bought a new coat for (she). 2. When I was at the meeting, the young girl offered (I) pieces of paper. 3. They plan (have) a big party to celebrate their daughter's nineteenth birthday. 4. I'd like (borrow) some books from the library. 5. The boy has promised (not play) computer games again. 6. For some students, the maths problem is hard (understand). 7. My parents agreed (take) me to the zoo last Sunday. 8. When you visit a foreign country, it is important (know)how to ask for help politely. 9. Squirrels always like saving some food before winter comes. But they forget where (find) it from time to time. 10. Mary's birthday is coming. We've decided (make) a cake for her. 11. Turn left and you’ll see a new street (name) Jiansh e Street. 12. Mike is one of (tall) boys in our class. 13. After (do) his homework, he went out to play with John. 14. The policy has changed many Chinese people's (life). 15. His sister (become) an English teacher in a middle school one year ago. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 他提议载我回家,但我拒绝了。 He me home, but I refused. 2. 昨天他们在游乐园玩得很开心。 They_____ in the amusement park yesterday. 3. 我不得不返回学校取我的作业。 I have to school to get my homework. 4. 这个故事发生在一个炎热的夏天的早晨。 The story on a hot summer morning. 5. 秋天去爬山很有趣。 very interesting mountains in autumn. 单项填空 1.David learnt_____when he was five. A.swim B.swims C.swam D.to swim 2.Today is Father’s Day, I plan_____a bog dinner for my father. A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.prepare 3. We hope a beautiful home by living a low carbon life(低碳生活). A. build B. building C. to build 4. Please stop and go out for a walk. Remember warm clothes. A. to study; wearing B. studying; to wear C. to study; to wear D. studying; wearing 5. At lunchtime, Linda David the way to the lunchroom. A. showed B. forgot C. made D. found 五、情景交际 A: Sam, we haven't been out for almost a month. Let's go somewhere this evening. B: Fine. Where would you like to go 1. A:A new play is on this week. Let's go and watch it, shall we B: It got very bad reviews (评价). A: How about the film Dancer in the Dark 2. B: We' ve already seen it. Don't you remember A: Then let's go to the neighbourhood cinema.3. B: Good. What time does it start A: 15 minutes ago. 4. B: Well, I guess all we can do is to stay at home and watch television. A: 5. Now it will take me another month to get you interested in going out. A. The newspaper said it was the worst play of the year. B. I was afraid you'd say that. C. The film Walking in the Rain is on. D. To see a film or to watch a pl ... ...

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