
外研版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit3 War and peace单元知识清单(素材)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:84次 大小:21871Byte 来源:二一课件通
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单元知识清单 Ⅰ.立体式复习单词 A.基础单词 1.troop n.部队;军队 2.tide n.潮水 3.condemn v.迫使(某人)处于不幸的境地 4.recall v.回想,记忆起 5.outstanding adj.杰出的;优秀的 6.violent adj.狂暴的,凶暴的 7.commander n.指挥官;长官 8.objective n.目的,目标 9.barely adv.勉强才能 10.liberate v.解放(城市、国家等) 11.uniform n.制服 12.friction n.冲突,摩擦 13.weapon n.武器,兵器 14.bomb v.轰炸 15.rough adj.简单的;粗糙的 16.dire adj.极其严重的 17.disrupt v.扰乱 18.fortify v.激励,加强 19.peer n.同龄人;同辈 20.misty adj.多雾的 21.breeze n.微风 22.prominent adj.著名的,杰出的 23.anniversary n.周年纪念日 24.collective adj.集体的;共同的 25.sum n.金额,款项 26.grain n.谷物,粮食 27.relevant adj.有关的,切题的 28.emerage v.出现 B.词汇拓展 1.violent adj.狂暴的,凶暴的→violence n.暴力 2.landing n.(军队的)登陆→land n.陆地 v.登陆 3.commander n.指挥官;长官→command v.指挥;博得 n.命令;指挥→commanding adj.指挥的 4.objective n.目的,目标→object n.目的,目标 v.反对 5.horror n.令人惊恐的事→horrible adj.可怕的 6.barely adv.勉强才能→bare adj.光秃秃的;裸体的 7.liberate v.解放(城市、国家等)→liberation n.解放 8.stability n.稳固,稳定→stable adj.稳定的,沉稳的 9.academic adj.学术的→academy n.学院;学会 10.aggression n.侵略→aggressive adj.侵略的 11.associated adj.联合的→associate v.联想;联系;交往→association n.协会;联盟 12.invader n.侵略者,侵略军→invade v.侵略;侵入 13.glory n.辉煌的成就;荣耀的事→glorious adj.辉煌的;荣耀的 14.dedication n.奉献→dedicate v.奉献 15.representative n.代表→represent v.代表;描绘 Ⅱ.递进式回顾短语 1.be made up of由……组成 2.have confidence in对……有信心 3.become known as作为……而出名 4.free...from使摆脱 5.at dawn黎明 6.make it约定时间;成功;到达 7.serve as充当 8.refer to提及;参考 9.break through突破 10.play a role in担任……角色,起作用 11.照亮light up 12.为……打基础lay the foundation for 13.介于两者之间in between 14.大量的in large numbers 15.简直是nothing less than 16.遇见meet up with 17.遵守;履行;不偏离keep to 18.待命on standby Ⅲ.仿写式活用句型 1.With these words ringing in their ears,Allied soldiers prepared for what would become known as D Day. 将军的话回响在盟军士兵们的耳边,他们为即将到来的进攻日做好了准备。 【句式仿写】 随着秋天的临近,树叶开始凋落。 With autumn drawing near,leaves begin to fall from the trees. 2.Meanwhile,thousands more were journeying across the English Channel to Normandy,protected by fighter planes in the skies above them. 与此同时,还有成千上万的人在头顶上飞机的保护下越过英吉利海峡前往诺曼底。 【句式仿写】 在孩子们的图片的装饰下,教室的墙更好看了。 Decorated with children's pictures,the walls of the classroom look better. 3.Boats were hit and men drowned,while those who did make it to the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. 船只被击中,士兵溺水身亡,而那些到达海滩的人则面临着疯狂的机关枪炮火。 【句式仿写】 一些专家赞同动物实验,而有些反对。 Some experts are in favour of ... ...

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