

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:10999321Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 阅读理解技巧指导 How to deal with reading during the examination Choose the one you prefer. books smart phones the adults the teenagers and the children What you do affects your brain. play smart phones Read books Reading makes us smarter、more active. Learn to read Learning objectives 1.To improve the abilities of reading. 2.To enjoy reading and to be a lifelong reader. What to read 1.Various writing styles(体裁丰富):Narration(记叙文)、Exposition(说明文)、Pratical writing(应用文)、Argumentation(议论文)and News Report(新闻报道)、Ad(广告)、Notice(通知)、Instructions(操作说明)、Chart(表格) and so on. 2. Colourful themes(题材广泛):humans and self(人与自我), humans and sociaty(人与社会), humans and nature(人与自然). Why to read 3.Abilities: To develop language abilities、culture awareness(文化意识)、thinking qualities(思维品质) and learning abilities. How to read Pre-reading 1. Title and pictures 2.Look through the questions and circle the key words. While reading 1.Skim:general understanding(整体把握),underline the key sentences about the main ideas. 2.Read carefully:read for details(细节),judgement and inference(推理和判断) ,underline the key sentences. 3.Read deeply:read for the writer’s purpose, the meaning of the words, a person’s personality. After reading 1.Read again:go through the passage,check the answers. 注意:克服定势思维和功能固着,切莫先入为主,一切以作者的写作意图和所表达的观点为准。 How to develop the abilities Details (细节理解题) The meaning of the word(词义猜测题) Judgement and inference(推理判断题) The main idea(主旨要义题) Details (细节理解题) The meaning of the word(词义猜测题) Judgement and inference(推理判断题) The main idea(主旨要义题) How to develop the abilities 1.Details (细节理解题) 旨在:把握文章的事实和细节的能力 针对文章的事实和细节,常见的提问方式有: ◆ Which of the following is RIGHT/TRUE/ NOT mentioned ◆What is the correct order ... ◆What does the underlined word “it” / “this”/ “they”/ “them” / ...refer to ◆ 用What/Which/When/Where/Why/How等提问 Practice: task 1 1.Enjoy reading and finish task 1. 2.Check and share. 细节理解题 带题查阅 定位准 细致 严谨 善辨别 题文对照 1.This passage is most probably written for____. Here are what you will need: * a grown-up helper ... step 2: Ask a grown-up helper to nail the pieces together. A. young kids 2.What can a scarecrow be used to How would you like your very own scarecrow You can make one out of some old boards. You can use it to scare birds in your garden. You can also put a scarecrow near your front door to give visitors a big surprise! B.Surprise your guests. 3.Which shows the correct steps to make a scarecrow Here are what you will need: * a grown-up helper ... *a hat and a pillow a 3.Which shows the correct steps to make a scarecrow Step 1: Lay the boards on the ground. Make the shape according to the picture. You will have two arm pieces left over. You will add them later. S ... ...

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