

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:3954484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 中考英语任务型阅读专题训练(二) ask-based Reading II T 4 Choice questions & 1 question answering (4选择题+1主观题) Tips for Our discovery 2023杭州 2023金华 2023嘉兴 2023丽水 2023绍兴 4选择+1主观题 4选择+1主观题 5选择 5填空 5填空 Types of Task-based Reading Choose subtitles 选择小标题 Complete the passage 补全上下文 Tips: 1. Read to get the task and theme. 2. Underline the key words that match the theme. 3. Put the choice back and check the logic in the context. Discover Tips for Choices 同学们,我们都已知晓大脑快乐的源头是多巴胺,那接下来就来看看有哪些好习惯能帮助我们“快乐长相伴”吧!阅读下面短文,将选项中的小标题(A-E)与相应的段落匹配并完成相关题目。(其中一项为多余选项) I choose … for paragraph 2 I can find some key words: … (2023,宁波海曙) Tips: 1. Read to get the task and theme. 2. Underline the key words that match the theme. 3. Put the choice back and check the logic in the context. B. Let go of bad feelings in the past A. Give praises to a person once a day. C. Exercise outdoors E. Practice thankfulness Discovery 1: choose one to solve the problem. Discover the relationship between the passage and the question Discovery 2: think up another way to solve the problem. Discover the relationship between the passage and the question Discovery 3: choose one and give reasons. Discover the relationship between the passage and the question Discovery 4: express your opinions and give reasons. Discover the relationship between the passage and the question Discovery 4: express your opinions and give reasons. Discovery 1: choose one to solve the problem. Discovery 3: choose one and give reasons. Discovery 2: think up another way to solve the problem. Discover tips for answering the question Tips: 1. Read the question to get the theme and structure. 2. Choose/Think up verbs or verb phrases to stay on the theme. 3. Use a complete sentence (personal pronouns/ tense) B. Let go of bad feelings in the past A. Give praises to a person once a day. C. Exercise outdoors E. Practice thankfulness Discover tips for answering the question Tips: 1. Read the question to get the theme and structure. 2. Choose/Think up verbs or verb phrases to stay on the theme. 3. Use a complete sentence (personal pronouns/ tense) Discovery 1: choose one to solve the problem. I will listen to him and give praises for what he has already done well. Discovery 4: express your opinions and give reasons. Discovery 3: choose one and give reasons. Discovery 2: think up another way to solve the problem. Practice makes perfect! Tips for answering: 1. Read the question to get the theme and structure. 2. Choose/Think up verbs or verb phrases to stay on the theme. 3. Use a complete sentence (personal pronouns/ tense) Group 1&2 Group 3&4 Group 5&6 Tips for choices: 1. Read to get the task and theme. 2. Underline the key words that match the theme. 3. Put the choice back and check the logic in the context. Our New discovery Di ... ...

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