

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:41次 大小:5962088Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 中考英语任务型阅读专题训练(二) ask-based Reading II T 4 Choice questions & 1 question answering (4选择题+1主观题) Skills for Our discovery Types of Task-based Reading 2023杭州 2023金华 2023嘉兴 2023丽水 2023绍兴 4选择+1主观题 4选择+1主观题 5选择 5填空 5填空 Choose subtitles 选择小标题 Complete the passage 补全上下文 Answer the question 4 Choice questions & 1 question answering (4选择题+1主观题) 同学们,我们都已知晓大脑快乐的源头是多巴胺,那接下来就来看看有哪些好习惯能帮助我们“快乐长相伴”吧!阅读下面短文,将选项中的小标题(A-E)与相应的段落匹配并完成相关题目。 (其中一项为多余选项) 选小标题方法点拨: 1. 读题,明确任务 2. 读段落, 划出与选项相匹配的关键词 I choose … for paragraph 3 I can find some key words: … Choose subtitles(选择小标题) (2023,宁波海曙) B. Let go of bad feelings in the past A. Give praises to a person once a day. C. Exercise outdoors E. Practice thankfulness I will... 回答问题方法点拨: 1. 读问题,圈出关键信息和答句结构。 2. 答问题, 根据主题、结合文本、联系生活,不照抄原文。 Student 1: I will ask him to play and forget studying. Student 2: Listen to him and give praises to him. Student 3: Let go of bad feelings in the past. Student 4: I will help him make a study plan. 与主题不符 结合Tip A 根据主题,联系生活经验 Choose subtitles(选择小标题) (2023,宁波海曙) 抄原文 评分标准(scoring standards)(2分): 1.答出动词词组或完整句子:2分 (个别小语法错误不扣分) 2.切题但语法错误很多,3~4个语法或拼写错误:1分 3.空白、离题或抄原文:0分 A. How can you make the world a better one B. What do you like doing in your spare time C. How did you get the idea of making free lunches D. What would you tell other kids who want to make a difference 第二节请结合第一节内容,回答下面问题。 (约20词) 59. What can you do to make a difference Why _____ 选小标题方法点拨: 1. 读题,明确任务 2. 读段落, 划出与选项相匹配的关键词 回答问题方法点拨: 1. 读问题,圈出关键信息和答句结构。 2. 答问题, 根据主题、结合文本、联系生活,不照抄原文。 评分标准(scoring standards)(2分): 1.答出动词词组或完整句子:2分 (个别小语法错误不扣分) 2.切题但语法错误很多,3~4个语法或拼写错误:1分 3.空白、离题或抄原文:0分 (2023,嘉兴、舟山卷) Time for improving skills (小试牛刀) A. How can you make the world a better one B. What do you like doing in your spare time C. How did you get the idea of making free lunches D. What would you tell other kids who want to make a difference 第二节请结合第一节内容,回答下面问题。 (约20词) 59. What can you do to make a difference Why _____ C D A 59. Possible answers: We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom because it helps to save energy. Many children like reading but don't have enough books. so I will give some to help them. I want to be a volunteer in an old people's home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up. (2023,嘉兴、舟山卷) Time for improving skills (小试牛刀) 段首句:主旨句 段中句:过渡句、细节支撑句 Tips(段中句): 读段首, ... ...

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