
Unit10 I've had this bike for three years SectionA 3a-3c 课件(共20张PPT)人教版八年级英语下册

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(课件网) Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. SectionA 3a-3c If there is a yard sale in our class, what do you want to sell Why Lead-in Pre-reading Q: Who writes the article A father Q:How many people will be mentioned Find out the main idea FAST-READING Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 The children’s feeling when they have to give up their old things. The reasons why they want to have a yard sale. The father’s feeling when he has to give up his old things. 3a Read the article written by a father for a newspaper. What is his family going to sell at the yard sale Fast reading Son: Daughter: Father: a train , railway set, the toy monkey certain toys football shirts ( )Why do they decide to have a yard sale What do they want to do with the money from the sale 02 01 Read Para.1 and answer the questions A. They don't like these things anymore. B. They want to make money by selling things. C. They want to have more space in their room. They want to give the money to a chilren's home. C Careful- reading 4. Was the daughter more understanding than his brother 3. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set Because he has owned them since his fourth birthday and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. Yes, she was. Read Para2. and answer: 6. How can the old toys be useful again 7. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things What would you do with the money you raise 5. Why hasn't played football for a while Because he is getting older. We can give the old toys to the children who don't have money to buy toys. Read Para3. and answer: Yes, I have. I would give away the money to the food bank. what when how why son daughter father a train and railway set played with it every week until he was 7 since his 4th birthday quite sad and wanted to keep it when he was child toy monkey slept next to it every night footable shirts sad but understanding certain toys didn’t want to give up Read Para.2&3 carefully again and fill in the chart. Q3:Can you infer(推断) who the saddest of the three is A. the son B. the daughter C. the father 3c Find the words or phrases in the article which can be replaced with the ones below and write them next to the words. lose — _____ kids — _____ truthful — _____ many — _____ some time — _____ even though — _____ quickly — _____ older — _____ part with children honest a lot of a while although fast growing up adj. 诚实的;真实的 1. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. 我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。 no longer “不再;不复”, 可用not ... any longer或not ... anymore 替换。 e.g. He no longer lives here. (= He doesn’t live here anymore / any longer.) 他不再住这儿了。 Language points 2. As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. 对于我,我不想放弃我的足球衫,但是,说实在的,现在我已经有一阵没玩了。 to be honest“说实在的, ... ...

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