

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:42次 大小:99825Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Learn to Read 导学案 一、Learning Objectives: To improve the abilities of reading. To enjoy reading and be a lifelong reader. 二、Activities for reading. Task 1. 细节理解题解题解题技巧分享 Task 2 词义猜测分组体验。 通过_____推测词义。 Dickens wrote about situations and emotions that still interest people today. He used his pen to fight social inequality and gave voice to the poor. His works led to many important social changes. Readers always enjoy seeing poor people rise and succeed. What does the underlined word “inequality” mean in paragraph 4 不平等 B. 不现实 C. 不稳定 2.通过_____推测词义。 Mona Island is very small. The government of Puerto Rico (波多黎各)takes care of the island and has made it a natural reserve. That means the island’s animals and plants are protected from being harmed by people. Mona Island is different from most places because people are not allowed to live there. Only a few park workers are able to stay. The underlined word “reserve” in the passage means _____in Chinese. 休息区 B.保护区 C.风景区 3.通过_____推测词义。 Researchers find it difficult to study terns(燕鸥) due to their lonely habitats. Scientist have learned a few things, though. Terns fly in mid-air before plunging into the water to catch fish.Sometimes, they may steal fish from other birds in mid-flight. What might the underlined phrase “plunging into” mean To face towards the centre. B. To jump into something especially with force. C. To make something fall down or open by hitting it hard. D. To enter an area of bad weather while travelling or to experience difficulties. 4.通过_____推测词义。 The journey to the top of the Mount Llullaillaco was long and hard, but it did not stop Ceruti from climbing.”Just think of the Incas who climbed these mountains hundreds of years ago,”she said. “They faced the same conditions.”With preparation and determination, Geruti proves one thing: no mountain or goal is too big to conquer(克服)! What does the underlined word determination in the last paragraph mean A way of dealing with a problem or difficult situation. The general position a person or thing moves or points towards. Advice that is given to somebody, especially by somebody older or with more experience. The quality that makes you continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. 5.通过_____推测词义。 However, from 2012 to 2016,poaching(偷猎) and illegal trade in the elephants increase rapidly. Eighty-three elephants were lost in 2015 alone, and another fifty-one elephants were killed in 2016.“If this situation goes on, all the Gourma elephants will be killed by 2020,” said a member of MEP. What does the word ” illegal” in paragrapgh4 mean in Chinese 公平的 B. 亏损的 C. 非法的 D. 合理的 6.通过_____推测词义。 Children need time to stand and stare. They should be allowed to get bored so that they can develop their ability to be creative. Children are expected by their parents to be reading the textbook all the time. However, research sho ... ...

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