
译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 4 Exploring poetry 写作专项训练(诗歌评论)课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:70次 大小:16125043Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Exploring poetry 写作专项训练 诗 歌 评 论 牛津译林版 ● 选择性必修一 1.写作指导 一、常用表达 本单元的写作任务是写诗歌评论。同学们在写诗歌评论时应抓住诗歌的主题,写出诗歌大意并说明诗歌中所蕴含的寓意。诗歌评论一般采用"三段式"写作法,具体为: 第一段:简要介绍诗歌的作者及内容; 第二段:详细论述诗歌的主题或分析诗歌的艺术特征; 第三段:写出启迪与感想,主要是分析作者想要表达的情感,写出你对诗歌的理解。 2.框架结构 第一段: 简要介绍诗歌。 ①Here is a poem titled Thoughts on a Tranquil Night by Li Bai, which _____ (深受读者欢迎) enjoys great popularity among readers ②The Road Not Taken is a poem by American poet Robert Frost. This poem describes a situation _____ (诗人需要在两条道路中作出选择). where the poet needs to choose from two roads ③The poem was written in 1780, _____ (当时作者五十多岁) when the writer was in his fifties 2.框架结构 第二段:详细分析诗歌的特点、介绍诗歌的主题等。 ① This poem _____ (表达了作者的悲伤)at being far away from his home and family. conveys the author's sadness ②The poet uses some figures of speech to show the current situation of _____ (人们生活的世界). the world that / which people are living in ③ Many of his poems reflect the history and culture , _____ _____ (生动地描述了几百年前人们的生活). giving a vivid description of people's life hundreds of years ago 2.框架结构 第二段:详细分析诗歌的特点、介绍诗歌的主题等。 ④The poem uses simple language and has a strong rhythm , _____ (使它易于学习和背诵). making it easy to learn and recite ⑤The image in the poem not only reflects a family but also _____ (暗指整个社会). implies the whole society 2.框架结构 第三段: 写出诗人的写作意图或诗歌表达的情感。 ① I'm deeply moved by the poem . _____ _____(提醒我们努力抓住每一个机会的重要性) to do what we should do before it’s too late. ② What the poet tries to say or convey is his . _____ _____(对不幸的人们的同情). reminding us of the importance of trying to seize every chance / opportunity sympathy for the unfortunate people 二、微写作 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Amy最近对中文诗歌很感兴趣,他发邮件向你询问下面这首诗的含义。请你用英文写一封邮件回复他,介绍该诗歌的主要内容,写作手法和表达的思想感情。 游子吟 孟郊(唐) 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Andy, 1._____ ( know, interested ), I'm writing to offer you some information about the poem you asked about. Written by a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, Meng Jiao, 2. _____ _____ (describe scene) where a mother is fully occupied in making clothes for her child 3. _____ (be about to, leave). By concentrating on this specific moment, 4. _____ ( vividly, love, her child) by comparing it to the warm and selfless sun. All the above is 5. _____ (know about, classic), which I hope will help you in a way. Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Knowing that you are interested in Chinese poetry this poem mainly describes a scene who is about ... ...

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