

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:102254Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级英语期末质量调研 注意事项: 1. 试卷共4页,十一个大题,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 2. 本试卷不要答题,请按要求把答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题2分,共10分 ) 1. A. take B. make C. talk 2. A. sleep B. shop C. sport 3. A. first B. second C. third 4. A. he B. his C. hers 5. A. picnic B. play C. pick 二、听录音,选出相对应的图片。(每小题2分,共10分 ) 三、听录音,判断下列句子是 (T) 否(F) 与录音内容一致。(每小题2分,共10分 ) 11. Look at me. I'm riding a bike. 12. When you go to work by car in China, you must keep to the left. 13. We have a school trip. 14. Teachers' Day is in September. 15. I have breakfast at home. 笔试部分 (70分) 四、选出不同类的词。(每小题1分,共5分 ) 16. A. music B. dancing C. listening 17. A. February B. late C. December 18. A. mine B. yours C. your 19. A. March B. Monday C. May 20. A. season B. summer C. spring 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共5分 ) 21.— dog is it — It's Mike's. A. whose B. who C. what 22.— When is your birthday — My birthday is May 4th. A. in B. on C. at 23.— Is he jumping — . A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn't. C. Yes, he is running. 24.— . — No, I don't. A. Are you having an English class B. Do you see any elephants C. Can you sing English songs 25. I fun yesterday. A. having B. has C. had 六、选择正确的答句。(每小题2分,共10分 ) 26. When do you get up A. At 6:00 a. m. 27. Would you like some soup B. I like red best. 28. Which colour do you like best C. It's usually in June. 29. What do you do on the weekend D. No, thanks. 30. When is Dragon Boat Festival E. I often play ping- pong. 七、选择适当选项补充对话。(每小题2分,共10分 ) Mike : Hi, Sarah, what are you doing Sarah: 31 Mike: Is it for your mother Sarah: 32 Mike: 33 Sarah: It's on March 4th... Mike: Will you have a party for her Sarah: Of course. Welcome to the party Mike: OK. 34 Sarah: We eat the birthday cake and play interesting games. Mike: 35 八、给句子选择对应的图片。(每小题2分,共10分 ) 36. I like summer best because of Children's Day. 37. I like autumn best because I often pick apples with my family. 38. I like winter best because I can make a snowman. 39. I like summer best because I can swim. 40. I like spring best because I often go on a picnic with my family. 九、阅读短文,根据文中的信息选出正确的选项。(每小题2分,共10分 ) My name is Amy. I am from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. And I like winter too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is reading in the garden. I'm watching TV. Do you want to be my friend My WeChat is 489031148 and my telephone number is 6678115. 41. Amy often goes hiking . A. on Monday B. in spring C. on the weekend 42. What's Amy's favourite season A. Spring B. Winter C. Summer 43. Amy likes winter because . A. her birthday is in December B. she can play with snow.C. both A and B 44. Is Amy's brother ... ...

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