

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:81次 大小:605046Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021-2022学年度第二学期智力闯关 请在各殖日的答因区域内作答,见出属色短形垃仅限定区域的苍案无数 学 校 )2.Tim is 六年级英语(B) 外研版 总分核分人 A.in the zoo B.at home C.at school 班 3.Tim's mum is (考试时间:60分钟,满分:100分) A.doing housework B.watching TV C.cooking )4.Tim's dad is. on the computer. 名 注意事项 填涂样例 A.working B.playing C.talking 1.这择毯高分冬须使用B留笔填含。非这这福分必项川 正确销涂■ 05竞米的风色字笔书写.题字体工整、笔达清整 )5.Tim's little brother is 错设 网 之请按概延号装序在和院的谷思区城内作答、缸出答区区 条形码粘贴处 填涂C门 A.playing with water B.singing C.looking at the clouds 均 发书写的答案无故 3保持登而清清,不要折杂,不要弄破 缺考 违记 riting Part笔试部分 座位号 清在香超目的答足区域内作答。短出黑色矩形边极限定区城的养案无数 四、单项选择。(共10分) Listening Part听力部分 L.[AJ[B][C]2.[AJ[B][C]3.[A][B][C)4.[AJ[B][c]5.[AJ[B]C 一、 听句子,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(10分) 准考证号 )l.一hat will the weather be like tomorrow 1.[A][B][C]2.[AJ[B][C]3.[A][B][C]4.[A][B][C]5.[A][B](c] A.It will be cold. B.It was rainy. C.It is a sunny day. ( )1.A.sunny B.snowy C.windy )2.- isit?一It's thirteen dollars. ( )2.A.swimming B.eating C.nunning 封 3.A.happy B.busy C.lovely A.How many B.How much C.How )4.A.yuan B.dollars C.cents )3.I had an interesting day and we_ a pienic in the park. )5.A.mel B.food C.drinks A.have B.had C.will have )4.It's one and five 二、听句子,根据你所听到的句子内容迭择合适的应答语。(10分) A.dollars,cents B.dollar,cent C.dollar.cents 1.[AN[B]c2.[AN6J[c3.[AB][c】4.AU6[c】5.[AN[6]C】 )5.-Can I help you2 )l.A.es.please. B.A hamburger,please. C.Some water. A.I want some juice. B.Yes,I can. C.Iean help you. ( )2.A.12uan. B.I want some milk. C.Yes,I do. 3.A.At the park. B.I will eat some rice. C.At half past twelve. )4.A.Yes,it is. C.Yes,it was. 五、词语填空。(20分) B.Yes,it will. )5.A.】went to school. B.I'm doing my homework. 4选择合适的介词填空、补全句子。 C.I did my homework. 1.We are going to watch TV _seven o'clock. on 三、听短文,提据所听短文内容选择正确的选项。(10分)》 2.There are some dark clouds the sky. in l.[A][B][c】2[AJB]C】3[AJ[B][C】4.[AU[6i[C】5.[AJ[B]iC] 3.We had a good trip_ Saturday. )1.Today is 4.There are some ducks the pond. A.Friday B.Saturdav C.Sundsy 5.We go swimming」 summer. 请在冬是日的苦是区城内市书。夏出甚色矩形边可限定区域的苦是无效 请左各思且的等思区城柠作答,超出层色炮形过松限定区城的答炭无效 六年丝英语阅关一(3)外研成第1页共页 六年纸莫语 阅关一(B)外乐版结2页共页山东省聊城市东昌府区2021-2022学年六年级下学期期中英语试题答案 Listening Part听力部分: 一、1. windy;2. running;3. happy;4. dollars;5. meal。 二、1. A. Yes, please.;2. A. 12 yuan.;3. C. At half past twelve.;4. B. Yes, it will.;5. C. I did my homework. 三、1. C. Sunday;2. A. in the zoo;3. C. cooking on the computer;4. A. working;5. C. looking at the clouds。 Writing Part笔试部分: 四、1. A. It will be cold.;2. B. How much;3. B. had;4. A. dollars, cents;5. A. I want some juice. 五、A.1. at ... ...

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