
Unit 3 Our animal friends(Story time) 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:26次 大小:152711Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 五年级 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 3 Our animal friends (Story time) 教科书 书 名:义务教育教科书《英语(三年级起点)》五年级上册 -出卷网-:译林-出卷网- 教学目标 After this lesson, students are able to... know the main idea of the story 理解故事大意,能够了解文中人物所谈论的动物 know the meaning of the new words, phrases and sentences. Be able to use them to describe the animals with the help of the mind map 在阅读中学习生词和句型,能够借助思维导图结合所学知识描述动物的特征 know more about the pets and their physical features 探索发现动物的趣味知识 talk about what they learn from the story 结合文本故事帮助学生理解动物是人类的朋友,感知人与动物之间的和谐关系 教学重难点 教学重点: Understand the story and the key phrases and sentences. 理解故事大意和本课重点词汇和句型。 Know how to talk about the animals feature with the help of the mind map. 借助思维导图描述文中动物的特征。 教学难点: Describe the animals with the key words and sentences. 运用本课核心词句谈论动物。 Understand and talk about the relationship between the animals and humans after reading the story. 通过阅读故事理解并谈论人与动物之间的关系。 教学过程 Step 1: Pre-reading Enjoy a video. Students watch the video and guess what they are going to read about. 学生观看视频,在教师的启发下预测阅读内容的主题。 Think and talk Encourage students to think and talk about whether animals can be our friends or not. 借助图片的帮助启发学生思考动物是否能成为人类的朋友。 T: Can animals be our friends [设计意图]: 导入主题,利用视频激发学生参与学习活动的兴趣和求知欲,激活学生关于动物和朋友的词汇。通过问题引发学生思考,预测阅读主题,培养学生利用线索进行推断预测的能力,同时促使学生对阅读内容产生兴趣,为积极阅读做好准备。 Step 2: While-reading Watch and say Students watch the video about the story and find out the animal friends. 学生观看视频,验证预测并初步感知课文内容找出文中人物的动物朋友。 [设计意图]: 教师对课文视频进行二次创作,遮挡住较明显的动物特征,激发学生的好奇心。鼓励学生通过看视频、听英语、阅读英语的学习方式整体理解故事大意。 Read and say Students read the story silently and find out the aspects mentioned about the animals. 学生默读课文,找出课文内容描写动物的各个方面,在教师的帮助下总结归纳,以此构建谈论动物的思维导图。 [设计意图]: 本阶段学习活动引导学生通过自读课文、提取信息,在教师的帮助下归纳出课文从身体部位、颜色和能力三方面谈论了动物。在帮助学生整体感知课文的同时培养学生准确获取、梳理和归纳关键信息的能力。 Read and learn Students listen and read the first paragraph of the text. Teacher asks questions about the fish from different aspects. T: What colour are the fish Then what body parts do they have How about their abilities What can they do 细读课文,通过提问引导学生运用本课关键句型,结合思维导图从不同方面谈论鱼。同时也是为学生接下来的自主阅读提供范例与方法。 Students read about the dog, the rabbit and the parrot. Finish the mind map about these animals. 学生依照第一段的学习方法,完成其余三段话的思维导图,并按照导图说一说这种动物。 Report and check Students ... ...

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