
Unit 3 Our animal friends(Story time) 授课课件 (共38张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:62次 大小:86638302Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Our animal friends (Story time ) Enjoy Reading Enjoy and guess What are we going to read about Enjoy and guess What are we going to read about animals friends Unit 3 Our animal friends (Story time ) Watch and say What animal friends are in the story a dog two fish a parrot a rabbit Watch and say What animal friends are in the story Read and find What aspects(方面)are mentioned(提到) about the animals Read and find What aspects are mentioned about the animals Our animal friends body parts colours abilities Read and find What aspects are mentioned about the animals black red big eyes big bodies no legs or arms big tails swim Learn and say fish body parts colours abilities Learn and say Our animal friends body parts colours abilities Read and complete 1.阅读其他三段;2.完成思维导图。 white four legs a short tail big ears run and jump Read and complete dog body parts colours abilities Think and talk Do you know more about dogs Watch and learn Watch and learn Read and complete rabbit body parts colours abilities white red eyes long ears four legs a short tail run red eyes Read and complete Most rabbits have red eyes. Is that true Is that true Most rabbits’ eyes are red. Most rabbits have the common brown eyes. Round 1 Baby rabbits are called kittens. Round 2 Carrots are their best food. Rabbits need a balanced diet (均衡饮食) like us! Round 3 Rabbits’ teeth never stop growing. Round 4 Rabbits can turn their ears less than 180 degrees. Rabbits can turn their ears almost 270 degrees! A rabbit can be scared to death(被吓死). Rabbits have high heart rates! heart rate(bmp) 130-325 Round 5 two legs yellow and green two wings a big mouth a long tail talk and fly two claws a beak parrot body parts colours abilities Read and complete The biggest parrot can be 100 cm. The smallest is only 8cm. Parrots eat nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. Parrots are smart. Some can use and make tools(工具). Do you know more about parrots Let’s talk Some parrots can talk, some even can sing. Read and tell Read and tell 根据思维导图,谈论自己的动物朋友。 Think and talk Our animal friends body parts colours abilities … lovely help us… friendly make us happy … Company(陪伴) Why do we make friends with animals Think and talk Read and say All of the animals are our friends. We stay together to make good_____. We all have deep love for our . We live a happy life in a _____. company family harmony Read the story again and finish Think and write on Page 28. Read more stories about animal friends and talk about one of them with your friends. Make a bookmark about the story you like. Let’s enjoy

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