
人教版八年级下册Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years (Section A 1a-2d)课件(共29张PPT,内嵌音频)

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(课件网) Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Period 1(Section A 1a-2d) 1 3 Learning Objectives 2 By the end of the class, you will be able to: obtain key information about old things by listening to the conversations; talk about old things by making a survey in group work; choose proper ways to deal with old things and realize sweet memories remain. Free talk I have (I’ve) had it for 10 years. I have (I’ve) had it since I was 14 years old. Do you have any old things How long have you had the_____ I’ve had it for 1 year. bread maker How long have you had the_____ I’ve had it for 3 years. scarf How long have you had the_____ I’ve had it since 5 days ago. sweater How long have you had the_____ I’ve had it since I was a child. magazine How long have you had the_____ I’ve had it since I was 10. hat for+时间段 since+过去时间点 since+时间段+ago How are you going to deal with (处理) these old things Pre-listening On her way home What old things does Jeff have a bike a lamp a vase clothes books 1. How does Jeff deal with his old things A. Throw them away. B. Give them away. C. Sell them. 2. Why does Jeff deal with his old things in that way A.He doesn’t have money. B.He doesn’t like them anymore. C.He doesn’t use them anymore. 3. How long has Jeff had his bike A.For 3 years. B.For 5 years. C.For 10 years. While-listening Listen and choose the right answers. Pair-work A: How long have you had the... B: I’ve had the ... for ... years/ since... A: Why are you selling it B: Because... A: How much is it B: ... Make conversations about other things at Jeff’s yard sale. I’ve had it for 2 years. Beacause I have a new one. 50 cents. 1.Does Amy want to sell her old things Why 2.What advice does Jeff give to Amy about dealing with old things No, she doesn’t. Because it’s too hard to say goodbye to certain things. You can sell them, or you can also give them away to kids or people who need them. Listen again and answer the questions. While-listening On her way home If we don’t use old things anymore, we can _____ them. sell At home with her mom 1.Which four old things does Amy want to keep ①book ②magazine ③toy bear ④toy lion ⑤toy tiger ⑥bread maker ⑦sweater ⑧dress ⑨hat ⑩scarf A.②③⑨⑩ B.①③⑨⑩ C.①③⑥⑩ Listen and choose the right answer. While-listening What to keep How long Why The book For(1)____years. Even though Amy has already (2)____ it twice, it’s still Amy’s (3)_____book. The toy bear Since she was (4)_____. It has (5)_____meaning to her because (6) _____gave it to her. The hat / For (7)_____. The scarf / For (8)_____. 3 a baby ice skating read favorite special Grandma ice skating Listen again and complete the chart. On her way home If old things are important, or they have special meaning, we can _____ them. keep Sunshine Home for Children At home with her mom 1.The stories in Amy’s magazine are still new. True / False 2.Amy also wants to give away some clot ... ...

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