
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 2 Bridging CulturesReading and Thinking课件(两份)+音频

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:25038376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 1. “I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei recalled. recall vt. & vi. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 记起;回想起 e.g. She could not recall his name. I don’t recall seeing any cars parked outside. “疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语 “我不知道会发生什么。”谢蕾回忆到。 vt. to officially tell someone to come back to a place or group 召回 e.g. The Ambassador was recalled from Washington. recall n. the ability to remember something that you have learned or experienced 记忆力,记性 e.g. A child’s recall is usually accurate. an official order telling someone to return to a place, especially before they expected to 召回令 e.g. The manufacturer has issued a product recall over safety fears. beyond recall 无法回忆起,记不起来 【语境应用】完成句子 1) Both countries _____ _____ _____ (召回他们的大使). 2) I can’t _____ _____ _____ (记起见过她) before. 3) The ground has been polluted _____ _____ (面目全非). recalled their ambassadors recall meeting her beyond recall 2. Xie Lei is studying for a business qualification at a university in China and has come to our university on a year-long exchange programme. 谢蕾在中国的一所大学攻读商科,来我校参加为期一年的交流项目。 qualification n. the qualities and skills that you need to be able to do an activity or task (通过考试或学习课程取得的)资格;学历 e.g. You’ll never get a good job if you don’t have any qualifications. academic / professional / educational qualifications 学术/专业/教育资历 teaching / legal / medical / secretarial /academic qualifications 教师 /法律 / 医学 / 秘书 / 学术 的资格证明 qualify vt. & vi. to have the right to have or do something, or to give someone this right (使)具备资格;(使)合格 qualify sb. to do sth. 某人有资格做某事 qualify as sth. 取得资格(或学历) ;合格 qualify sb. for sth. 使某人有资格做某事 e.g. The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. She hopes to qualify as a lawyer at the end of the year. This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualified adj. having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job 有资格的 be qualified for / to do 有资格做…… e.g. The guides are qualified to lead groups into the mountains. Dawn is well qualified for her new role. 【语境应用】单句语法填空。 Strictly speaking, he’s not _____ (qualify) for the job. Last year, one in five boys left school without a _____ (qualify). His training _____ (qualify) him as an outstanding English teacher. qualified qualification qualifies 3. My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation. 我的志向是毕业后回中国创办一家企业。 ambition .n. 1) a strong desire to achieve sth. 追求的目标;夙愿 2) determination to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. 野心;抱负 e.g. His ambition is to sail round the world. He was young and full of ambition. achieve / fulfil / realize one’s ambition 实现某人的抱负 be full of ambition 满腹雄心 lifelong ambition 终身追求 a lack of am ... ...

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