
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section B (3a-Self Check)课件(共24张PPT)2024-2025学年人教版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:2577022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B (3a-Self Check) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation On July 15th, Jane and her family got to Penang in _____. The weather was _____ and ____. So they decided to go to the _____. She and her sister tried _____. It was so _____. She felt like she was a ____. They had Malaysian yellow _____ for lunch. They were delicious! They ____ bicycles to Georgetown in the afternoon. They saw many old and new _____ there. Weld Quay is a very ___ place. They saw the houses of the Chinese _____ from 100 years ago. They really enjoyed _____ _____ the town. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. sunny Malaysia beach paragliding exciting bird rode noodles hot buildings old traders walking around Review Did you go to Beijing on vacation What places do you know Tian’anmen Square the Palace Museum the Summer Palace the Great Wall a Beijing hutong Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. 3a Wednesday, _____ 20th Today the weather was _____. I went to _____. It was _____. We _____. I liked this place because _____. For dinner we had _____. It was _____. In the evening, I felt really ____. hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August hot and sunny August a Beijing hutong interesting took some photos I bought something special Beijing duck delicious tired Read the diary entry together. Wednesday, August 20th Today the weather was hot and sunny . I went to the Palace Musuem . It was We took some photos . I like this place because I learnt something important . For dinner we had Beijing duck . It was delicious . In the evening, I felt really tired . time weather place feelings activities beautiful . 3a Beginning Main body Ending My travel Beginning Main body Ending feelings food feelings activities partner place weather time My travel place weather We did We ate We thought We enjoyed Framework (结构) Beginning Main body Ending feelings ... time partner activities feelings We saw/heard 3b Ask and answer the questions about a vacation you took, and then fill in the blanks. Beginning time place partner weather Main body (activities) Ending (feelings) Where did you go 2. Did you go with anyone 3. How was the weather 4. What did you do every day 5. What food did you eat 6. What did you like best 7. Did you dislike anything 8. How did you feel about the trip 9. …… 10. ...... 3b Tips for your writing Content and frame (内容和结构) Good sentences Good phrases Good words Good language (语言) Good handwriting (书写) Correct tense (时态) Spelling words(单词拼写) Punctuations(标点符号) Correct grammar (语法) rich content and complete frame (内容丰富结构完整) Content and frame (内容和结构) Good handwriting (书写) Clean and neat (干净整洁) Tips Tip1: Frame and content (结构与内容) Wednesday, August 20th I went to the Palace Museum with ... ...

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