
Unit 6 At the snack bar storytime 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:32823580Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 At the snack bar What food can you see/ hear 你能看到/听到什么食物? Let's classify! Food Drinks What other food/ drinks do you know 你还知道哪些食物/饮料? o p e n snack bar snack bar MENU MENU hot dog.... ...10 sandwich......12 hamburger.....15 noodles.........16 rice................2 ice cream......8 milk...........9 coffee......18 tea..........15 juice......17 Be my customer! o p e n snack bar --What would they like --They would like... Read and tick Read pictures and answer: Q: What would they each like Read and underline Tips: 1、阅读课文,并划出文中点单时用的问句; 2、思考更多的问句。 Anything else What about you 为补充问句,不能 用于对话的开始。 * What would you like * What about you * Anything else * Can I have... * Would you like... Listen and imitate What would you like I'd like a hamburger and a glass of milk I'd like some noodles. What about you, Dad I'd like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Tips: 跟读文章,注意模仿语音语调。 Listen and imitate A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk,please. Anything else A sandwich and a cup of coffee. Here you are. Thank you. Thank you. Tips: 跟读文章,注意模仿语音语调。 Act and show What would you like I'd like a hamburger and a glass of milk I'd like some noodles. What about you, Dad I'd like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk,please. Anything else A sandwich and a cup of coffee. Here you are. Thank you. Thank you. Tip: 流利的语句,丰富的情感, 适当的肢体动作可以让你的表演 更出彩哦。 What do animals usually eat ? o p e n snack bar snack bar MENU MENU hot dog.... ...10 sandwich......12 hamburger.....15 noodles.........16 rice................2 ice cream......8 milk...........9 coffee......18 tea..........15 juice......17 Read Use and serve Hi. What would you like I'd like a/ an/ some... Anything else A/ an/ some..., please .... Useful expressions: Homework: Make a new menu in groups. 小组合作制作一个新的菜单。 o p e n snack bar Welcome next time Thank you!

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