
Unit 1 Me and My Class—八年级上册英语冀教版单元质检卷(A卷)(含解析)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:24019Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(1)Unit 1 Me and My Class—八年级上册英语冀教版单元质检卷(A卷) (100分) 一、单选题(共10小题,每小题5分) 1._____ my surprise. Tina didn't pass the exam. A.With B.To C.On D.For 2.Tom's father looks _____ at the moment. He's looking _____ at Tom. A. angry; angry B. angrily; angry C. angrily; angrily D. angry; angrily 3.—Would you mind my sitting here —Of course not _____. A. Don't be silly B. I've no idea C. Go ahead D. It's hard to say 4.—I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. —I _____. It's not safe. A. agree B. agreed C. will agree D. had agreed 5.I didn't go to the park this morning. She didn't go _____. A. too B. also C. either D. so 6._____ called you just now, but he didn't tell me his name. A.Someone B.Anyone C.Nobody D.Everyone 7.—I don't know how to _____ the old clothes. —You can give them away to the charity (慈善机构). A. sell out B. take away C. give back D. deal with 8.—Shall we walk to the park or ride our bikes to the park —_____. Both are good for our health. A. No problem B. I'm afraid I can't C. I'd love to D. It's up to you 9.Jim started to play _____ violin when he was five. A. a B. an C. the D. / 10.We _____ to the Children's Park if it is sunny this Sunday. A.went B.go C.going D.will go 二、阅读理解(共5小题,每小题5分) February 17 should have been the start of the spring term for many middle and primary schools in China. To fight COVID-19,many schools put off the start time of school in 2020.However,students in China were still studying. In order not to let students worry about the infection(感染) of the disease, instead of having classes at school, many students in Beijing, Guanghou and other places began their first day of online classes on February 17. "In the morning. I have an English class, then Chinese and maths,"Liu Bo, a Junior 3 student from Beijing, told Xinhua. "I have also learned about the knowledge of fighting COVID-19." According to the rule, teachers at Beijing's primary and middle schools should not give new classes to students before the start of the upcoming term. Of course. except for learning at home, it is also necessary to teach children health knowledge, especially how to keep away from touching the new virus. At the same time, it is also necessary for children to do some physical exercise or play some games at home. which is good for physical health. It should be said that such a way is very good. It can not only keep students indoors safe, but also make them study at home. improve their learning ability, and truly make "no suspension of classes" come true. Both the platform itself and the online lessons are more useful. 11.Many students were taking online courses because A. it was better to have classes online B. the Spring Festival was not over yet C. it could help control the disease better D. they needed more time to rest at home 12.From Liu Bo we can know that A.he took an English class first B.he had to do too much homework C.he could only learn English, ma ... ...

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