

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:974793Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023-2024学年度下期八年级英语期中检测题 16.Where does Ms.Black come frum (全卷共九个大愿,满分150分,考试时间I20分帥) A.America Austrolio. C.Englend. 第四背缸小國15分,其6分) 注意事项: 的听刊的垣文4智,从A、B,℃三个选项中速出正容奖 试聪的答案书写在答遐卡上,不得在试翅卷上直接作答。 仅 2.作答敬认真阅读管题卡上的注意#项。 17.Whon are mest people busy A.On Merdays. B.Fridays. C.On week day's. 第I番〔共90分) 18.Which hobby is mot mentionod (in the passage 工所力测试.共30分) Readina books .下ing Taking phctos. 第一节,情最反应。(每小愿1.3分。共9分) 19.Which hobby may not be expensive 听一连.根据你府所到的勺子.从A、B、C三个选须中选出限恰当的答语,并圯答豆卡上 对应题目的答案标号涂麻, B.Playing the piano. C.Collecting stones 20.The point of a hobby is 1.A.Yes,he is. B.No,he hasn't. C.Yes,he does A.to work harder 2.A.Yes,you need. B.No,you ncedn't. 亿No.o创muT'光 C,oae 3.A.You are right B.Let's go tomnorrow. CSure,I'd love to. Ⅱ话法选择。(每小题1分,共10分】 4.A.Me,neither. B.Me too. Neither di l 根薪烦文内辩,从A、B、C三个远项中选出一个语法正骑的答案,并无答忍卡上对应目 5.A.Buy a gift for yourself. 台.Hveahr C.Fight with her. 的普案标号途?, 6.A.She likes cooking B.写he was slecelog C.She went shapping. 第二节:对话理解,(每小题15分,共9分) Sandy livd with her mother near a quiet forest One day,Sandy'smorskdSady. 听一通。极据你所听到的对话及同总。从A、B、C三个边项中坊出正确答案,并把答愿卡 could you go to the market to buy some eggs "Sandy said yes and went out.Suddenly,she found 上对应思目的答案标号接县。 she was in21 7.A.He stayed with his par as quickly as possible,but she couldn't.She was so scared that she couldn't stop 22 After a whlle,the lion Bermy showad his right foot23 Sandy.A big thom()was in HeV水tedh达ndparents. the foot Benny said,Coudyos helpakeouthe thom Nobody aroundoudke 8.A.Play football. B.Play games. G.Waich TV. 24 me.The pain is getting much25d女fgdy.” 9.A.t400. B.A5:00. CAt6:00. 26 you help me,I will die of the thocn.I pcomise that I won't do amything to hurt you.' 10.A.Atschool B.In his car. C.Athome. 11.A.From the imemet On the radio. c.OnTV. Benmy replied and looked at. 13k.30. B.57 .27. Sandy decided to trust the poor lion and then helped him take out the thom27 第三节:短文迎解.(年小短1.5分,共6分) "Thank you.I will not furget your2"Benny sald with a smie and then went ino the forest.Later,a group of hingry 29 恨你所所到的长对话从A,B、C三个送项中论出正碗答案 stopped Sandy on her way hame.'Let her go!"said 13.What day is it today Benny.Sandy tumed around and saw Berny.The hungry fions were Benny's gcod frlends,so they .Monday. B.Thursday. C.Suday. moved away.Sandy thanked ber ew fredforbernd ran home happily. 14.How do they go to the space museum Sandy told her mother it wasthe best day of e life"Helptrs and they will hep you. A.By train. B.By subway C.By bus. This is whrat I've leumod,"Sandy said. B.an 听一段材料,同答下面两个小题。 21.h.n B.cried 15.Who is ill today 122.A. C.crying 23.1.10 B.with C.st A Sophia. B ... ...

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