
人教版(2024)Starter Units 1-3 阅读提优(一)(含答案)2024-2025学年人教版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:180300Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Starter Units 1-3 阅读提优(一) 完形填空+阅读理解 一、完形填空 题目 体裁 字数 难度 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 休的新邻居 记叙文 271 10分钟 ____分钟 ____/10 Sue is happy that her friend Monica is her neighbour(邻居). They always play games in Sue's room. On a fine 1 , Monica comes to Sue's house. She sees a van(货车) with many boxes at the door of another(另一) neighbour. “ We must 2 a new neighbour,” says Monica. “ Let's play our favourite games with the new neighbour,” says Sue. Then they go to the neighbour's house, and a boy opens the door. “ Good morning, girls. I'm Fred. You must be my new neighbours,” says Fred. “ 3 we' re here for 12 years. You are our new neighbour,” says Sue. “ Haha. Can I 4 your names ” asks Fred. “ Yes. My name is Sue, and this is my friend Monica,” says Sue. “ Hello, Fred,” says Monica. “ 5 , please. We can play hide and seek(捉迷藏),” says the boy. “ Oh, yes! It's interesting. Fred, can you close your eyes first ” asks Sue. “OK,” says Fred. He closes his eyes. Sue and Monica go to 6 . “ Are you ready ” Fred says,“ One, two, three. Here I come!” First, Fred sees a 7 in a box. Sue has the hat on today.“ Ha! I see you, Sue. You are in that box!” says Fred. Fred looks 8 for Monica but can't find her. Then Fred comes to a room. There is only a bed in it.“ Hey, Monica. You are 9 the bed.” Then Monica comes out from under the bed. Sue, Monica and Fred have a 10 day.“ Now I have an old friend and a new friend. We three are good friends,” says Sue. ( )1. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. night ( )2. A. lose B. call C. have D. thank ( )3. A. Or B. And C. But D. So ( )4. A. know B. spell C. find D. email ( )5. A. Excuse me B. Hello C. Come in D. Thank you ( )6. A. seek B. sleep C. work D. hide ( )7. A. key B. watch C. hat D. book ( )8. A. here B. everywhere C. there D. where ( )9. A. on B. in C. at D. under ( )10. A. fine B. blue C. busy D. bad 二、阅读理解 题目 体裁 字数 难度 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 整理书本的故事 记叙文 197 7分钟 ____分钟 ____/5 Jack loves to read books each night. He reads all day. He reads at night. Jack's books are here and there. He can not even find his chair. He can not see which clothes to wear. “ That's enough(够了)!” His mother says.“ Clean up these books and get to bed!” “ Clean them up But how Right now What should I do How do I move(移动) them all from here ” “ Wait! What is this book I see here Hmmmm… How To Make A Library! I can organize(整理) by the writer's name. That sounds like a real cool game! Organize them like the alphabet. Or I could organize by the title(标题) too. That's no sweat! I'm sure I can do it.” “ All A titles. I' ll put here. This is great! Now I see! Next will come for B. This is really so much fun!” Following these ways, Jack organizes them one by one. He sorts(分类) them all from A to Z. He organizes them happily. His mother is also happy. “ Books are great,” says Jack with a smile.“ They help me make a library!” ( )1. What do ... ...

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