
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit7Careers 写作课 A Letter Of Application 教学设计

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:58次 大小:19936Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit7写作课 A Letter Of Application 教学设计 【学习主题】 本课为本单元的写作课,通过呈现一份兼职招聘启事和学生写得求职信范文让学生学习如何写正式信件--求职信。文本属于“人与自我”主题群中的“职业规划”子主题。学生通过范文的学习和写作实践,体验用英语写求职信,并通过理解与手写求职信内容,激励自己全面发展,早日成材。 【范文文本分析】 What 该篇求职信范文内容包括作者、选择该工作的原因、个人品质以及个人资质。 How 文体属于应用文类正式信件。求职信除了正式信件文体格式外,大致涵盖了Opening--写作目的;Body--选择这个兼职的原因、以及个人优势、以及Ending--结束语。 求职信用语委婉、正式,如I am writing to apply..., I would be interested in the role of..., I would like to work...I feel that..., In addition, I am also a good photographer...等。 Why 作者希望学生通过学习求职信,了解求职信的内容与结构。在今后求职中能正确撰写求职信,达到交际目的。也希望学生能够结合本单元大的主题,切身意识到高中阶段抓好个人品质、积累兴趣资历、提升个人综合素养对于未来专业的培养和职业的选择之重要性。 【学习目标】 1.获取、归纳求职信范文的基本信息、基本结构; 2.解构范文的语体风格和行文特点; 3.创作一篇求职信。 【评价任务】 1.利用左右连线配对法提取范文的基本结构。 2.利用完成不同类型的半开放式思维图示的方法,解构主干信息,归纳委婉而正式的语言特征以及衔接语(如并列关系、因果关系)。 3.基于范文的写作架构和写作要素,创作求职信习作。 【学习过程】 Step1. Context- Creating If you are going to apply for a job with an international restaurant, and you're required to write an application letter, what will you include in your application letter Step2. Discovering &Transferring 1.First Reading Read the text as fast as possible to identify the basic structure of the model writing. 1)Finish the following matching task. Para.1 signing off Para.2 qualifications Para.3 personal qualities Para.4 reasons for choosing this job Para.5 stating the position applying for 2.Second Reading 1)Opening ◎evidence -- -- ◎Extract the Functional Expressions in Para.1. -- 2)Para.2 ◎Complete the following two half-open Bracket Diagrams(括号图),showing the content of Para.2. ◎Extract the Functional Expressions in Para.2. -- -- -- ◎Extract the linking words for Reasons. #因果关系 -- 3)Para.3 ◎Complete the following two half-open Circle Map(圆形图), showing the elements in Para.3. ◎Extract the Functional Expressions in Para.3. -- -- -- ◎Extract the linking words for Additional Points. #并列关系 -- 4)Para.4 ◎Complete the following two half-open Circle Map(圆形图), showing the elements in Para.4. ◎Extract the linking words for Additional Points. #并列关系 -- 5)Ending ◎Extract the Functional Expressions in the ending part. -- Step3.Writing Practice Create a similar film review based on the resources offered in the handout. Step4.Presentation Step5.Homework Polish the application letter. ... ...

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