
Module 1Unit 1 Wise men in history Part 3 Grammar分层作业本(含答案)沪教牛津版九年级上册

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:23117Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Geniuses Unit 1 Wise men in history 第二课时  Grammar 反意疑问句 概念:反意疑问句由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对前面陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实 作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。 观察下列例句,归纳反意疑问句的用法。 1. The students study hard, don’t they 2. The train hasn’t left, has it 3. She is never late, is she 4. Please open the door, will you 5. Let’s go home together, shall we 6. There is a beautiful picture on the wall, isn’t there 7. Something is wrong with your computer, isn’t it 8. Everyone likes her every much, don’t they 9. I think she is a good girl, isn’t she 10. — The king liked his new crown at first, didn’t he — Yes, he did (like his new crown). — No, he didn’t (like his new crown). 【梳理】 1. 反意疑问句由一个陈述句和一个附加疑问句构成。若陈述部分为肯定式,疑问部分一般用否定式,如例1;若陈述部分为否定式,则疑问部分一般用肯定式,如例2。如果陈述部分有be动词,情态动词及助动词(have)时,则在附加问句中重复该动词。 2. 当陈述部分含有表示否定意义的词如never, no, hardly, few, little, seldom等时,疑问部分要用肯定式,如例3。 3. 祈使句的反意疑问:1)祈使句,will you 如例4。其中,祈使句无论是肯定句还是否定句,其疑问部分常用will you。2)Let’s ..., shall we 如例5。 4. 陈述部分是以There be 开头,则疑问部分的主语用there, 如例6。 5. 陈述部分是以everything,nothing,something作主语,则疑问部分的主语用it,如例7;陈述部分是以everyone,someone等指人的不定代词作主语,则疑问部分的主语用they (也可以用he),如例8。 6. 陈述部分是“I / We think (believe,suppose,expect)+宾语从句”,疑问部分要根据从句来设问,如例9。 7. 在回答反意疑问句时,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的,就要用Yes;若事实是否定的,就要用No,如例10。 基础练习·课时过关 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. —I finish my homework now —No, you _____. Your work is over today. Can’t; must B. Must; don’t have to C. May; couldn’t D. Should; can ( ) 2. _____exciting news it is! 3D-printed houses will come out! A.What B.What an C.How D.How an ( ) 3. Tommy, _____play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car. A.do B.don’t C.must D.mustn’t ( ) 4. _____smart the driverless car is! I really want to have one. A.What B.What a C.What an D.How ( ) 5. —_____is it to your hometown from here —Well, it takes a little over three hours to get there by coach. A.How soon B.How much C.How long D.How far ( ) 6. Please _____the rubbish into different litter bins according to the signs. A.puts B.put C.putting D.to put ( ) 7. — _____does it take to fly to Australia —About 8 hours. A.How far B.How soon C.How often D.How long ( ) 8. —There is a beautiful park near your school, _____ —Yes. I often walk there. A.is there B.isn’t there C.are there D.aren’t there ( ) 9.They have to wash their clothes by themselves, _____ A.haven’t they B.mustn’t they C.won’t they D.don’t they ( ) 10. You’ve never been to Paris, _____ A.do you B.don’t you C.have you D. haven’t you 二、完成下面的反意疑问句。 1. They have to study a lot, _____ 2. All ... ...

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