
Module 1 Geniuses Unit 1 基础知识检测(无答案)沪教牛津版九年级上册

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:39次 大小:23115Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9A U 1基础知识检测 姓名:_____ 得分:_____ 一、单词翻译。(15分) 1.金色的_____ 2.更少的_____ 3.错误_____ 4.金属_____ 5.击打_____ 6.同意_____ 7.不能肯定_____ 8.确定的_____ 9.监狱_____ 10.拳击_____ 11.真的_____ 12.真相 _ 13.勇敢的_____ 14.解决_____ 15. 似乎_____ 二、词组翻译。(14分) 1.在历史上_____ 2.被装满_____ 3.溢出_____ 4.查明真相 _____ 5.对…感到满意 6.向某人要某物_____ 7.用…盛满…_____ 8.过着简朴的生活_____ 9.把某人送进监狱_____ 10.由…制成_____ 11.解决问题_____ 12.向...要某物_____ 13.确保_____ 14.切碎 ___ 三、翻译句子 (16分) 1. 这顶王冠很不错,不是吗? 2. 他开始怀疑它是不是一定真正的金冠。 3. 这个问题似乎很难解决。 4. 它是纯金打造的吗? 5. 他可真可恶! 6. 他向国王要了同等重量的黄金。 7. 这个做皇冠的工匠欺骗了我,不是吗? 当阿基米德Archimedes把他的浴缸装满水的时候,他还在思考这个问题。 四、用所给词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填空。(12分) 1. A _____(gold) wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage. 2. After hearing about the news of her son’s death, she went _____(complete) to pieces. 3. They made an _____(agree) that they would share the money together . 4. The rock seems hard _____(cut) in half. 5. He put on a lot of _____(weigh) after he gave up exercising. 6. We feel uncertain whether this is a good way (solution) the problem. 7. Her eyes was (fill) with tears. 8. Very few people can pronounce my name (correct). 9. The (little) time we spend on our studies, the (bad) result we may get. 10. To tell you the (true), I don’t agree with you. 11. I’m (true) sorry that things had to end like this. 12. The poor cat (hit) by a car and died. 用适当的虚词填空 (5分) When he was 30, back in 1953, he was working a professor in the university. Paris was named 2017 to host the Olympics. Finally, after four hours, they arrived at the camp the help of maps and compasses. Many countries are now setting up national parks endangered animals and plants. Happiness success often come to those who are good at using their own strength. 六、根据要求完成句子(8分) Let’s go out for dinner tonight, _____ (写出反意疑问句) There are few students in the classroom, _____ (写出反意疑问句) I don’t think my parents will agree, _____ (写出反意疑问句) Don’t bother me, _____ (写出反意疑问句) Nothing is impossible, _____ (写出反意疑问句) _____ (what/how) a beautiful girl she is! _____ (what/how) good weather it is today! _____ (what/how) time flies! 六、完形填空 (20分) Mencius (孟子) was one of the greatest minds in history. It is said that he __1__near a school and gained a love of learning there. His book, Mencius, was one of the most _ 2_ books in history. The book was about Confucianism. There are many 3 about young Mencius. Here is one. When Mencius and his mother were living near the market, there were many people selling meat. His mother made a living by weaving (织) and 4 the cloth. She made little money and wasn't able to 5 meat. One day, on his way home, Mencius heard one of his neighbours killing a pig. He_6_ran home and asked his mother, “W ... ...

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