
人教版八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?知识清单

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:38次 大小:24754Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 知识单 New words mind v. 介意;对(某事)烦恼 stand v. 忍受;站立 educational adj.有教育意义的 plan v/n. 计划 (plan-planned) hope v. 希望 discussion n. 讨论 discuss v.讨论 expect v. 预料;期待 comedy n.喜剧片 sitcom n. 情景喜剧 prefer v.更喜欢 preference n.偏爱;喜好 meaningless adj.无意义的 meaningful adj.有意义的 mean v. 意味着 meaning n. 意思 meaningful adj. 有意义的 meaningless adj. 无意义的 action n. 行动 act v. 扮演 activity n. 活动 culture n. 文化 cultural adj. 文化的 famous adj. 著名的 fame n. 名声 cartoon n. 卡通 cartoonist n. 漫画家 success n. 成功 succeed v. 成功 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 may 情态动词 (may-might) main adj. 主要的 mainly adv. 主要地 common adj. 普通的 luck n. 运气 lucky adj.幸运的 unlucky adj. 不幸的 luckily adv. 幸运地 unluckily adv. 不幸地 lose v. 丢失 (lose-lost) character n. 人物, 角色 simple adj. 简单的 simply adv. 简单地 danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的 New phrases find out 查明;弄清 have a discussion about =discuss =talk about 关于…进行讨论 Eg. Our classmates had a discussion about EDG last week. =Our classmates talked about EDG last week. = Our classmates discussed EDG last week. 上周我的同学们在讨论EDG what's happening=what's going on 发生了什么 Eg. People all wonder what was happening yesterday. = People all wonder what was going on yesterday. 人们都想知道昨天发生了什么 watch a sitcom 观看情景喜剧 mind sb/one’s doing sth 介意某人做某事 Would you mind sb doing sth 你介意某人做某事吗? Of course not./ Not at all./ No problem. 表示不介意 I’m afraid you can’t. /You’d better not. 表示介意 Eg.—Do you mind me opening the window 你介意我开窗吗? —Of course not./ You’d better not. 当然不介意/最好别这样 6. sth happen to sb. 某人遭遇了某事(常指不好的事) sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 Eg. A car accident happened to him this morning. 他早上遭遇了车祸 Eg. I happened to meet a friend in the street yesterday. 我昨天在街上碰巧遇到个朋友 7. an action movie 一部动作片 8. a scary movie 一部恐怖片 9. come out 发行 bring out呈现 look out小心 find out找到 10. face any danger 面对任何危险 e.g.He is strong enough to face any danger in the jungle. 他足够强壮去面对丛林中的任何危险 11. be ready to do…准备好做… e.g. Are you ready to have dinner 你准备好了吃晚饭吗? be ready to do…=be willing to do 愿意做… e.g. Leifeng is always ready to help others.= Leifeng is always willing to help others. 李菲一如既往地乐于助人 12. dress up 打扮 13. take one’s place=instead of 代替 e.g Jeff is sick, so I take his place to go to the meeting. = Jeff is sick so I go to the meeting instead of him. Jeff生病了,所以我来替他参会。 14. the reason for (doing)=the reason why+句子 …的原因 e.g I don’t want to know the reason for his leaving.=I don’t want to know the reason why he is leaving. 我不想知道他为什么离开了 the main reason… is that…=It’s mainly because… 主要原因在于… e.g The main reason is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any da ... ...

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