
Unit3 Our animal friends Checkout time and storybook 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:64784262Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) (Checkout time and storybook) Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) Its ears are long . It has a short tail . a rabbit It has big and red eyes. Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) It can talk and fly. It has a big mouth. a parrot It has two wings. Read and guess(读一读,猜一猜) They can swim . They have big tails . fish They have no legs or arms . My favourite animals a rabbit a parrot fish cows What animals are there on the farm On the farm (1)There is a _____ on the farm. It has _____ . It has _____ and _____ . (2)There are ____ ____ on the farm . They have _____. They have _____ and _____. Work in pairs.(同桌每人选择一个说一说) I have an animal friend. It is brown. It has a long tail. It has two arms and two legs. It can run and jump. My animal friend Try to draw your animal friend. This is animal friend. It is _____. It has _____. It can _____. _____. _____. My animal friend This is my animal friends. It is green and lovely. It has a big mouth. It two big eyes and four legs. It can swim and jump. You can see it in the river in summer. My animal friend On the farm tortoise Who are tortoise’s friends monkey tiger Cover reading elephant giraffe Look and guess(p2-3) Where do they live What do they want to do Please read picture4-5 and underline the key phrases. 请阅读绘本4-5页用横线划出关键词。 How can they cross the river Read and match How can they cross the river Read and match wade jump long legs strong arms The _____ has _____. So he can _____. Look and say How does he feel The tortoise has _____. He can’t _____ or _____. no strong arms or legs jump wade Read and act He is sad/not happy. Read and act What do the elephant, the giraffe, the monkey and the tiger say to the tortoise 请你阅读6-10页,5人一小组编一编对话并表演出来。 Dear tortoise, you can…and cross the river with me. You can… You can… You can… Oh, no! I can’t. I will… What do you think of tortoise’s friends Think and say Kind helpful friendly nice Picture tour A.害怕的 Tip: We can guess the meaning from the pictures and the context. scared B.担忧的 Read and fill 秘密的 So the friends make a secret plan. What is the secret plan What do they do What is the secret plan What do they do Read and fill A secret plan Who What How Giraffe _____ the tree with_____ Elephant Tiger Monkey with_____ with_____ with_____ _____ _____ _____ 阅读P11-15,完成表格 What’s the secret plan Read and fill They make a bridge. bend snap pull help 弯曲 折断 拉 帮助 Read and fill What do they do What is the secret plan What do they do Read and fill A secret plan: Make a bridge Who What How Giraffe _____ the tree with_____ Elephant Tiger Monkey with_____ with_____ with_____ _____ _____ _____ 阅读P11-15,完成表格 bend long neck snap the tree big nose pull the tree sharp teeth help the tiger strong arms Let’s read Happy Surprised How does tortoise feel Let’s read Tortoise can cross the river now! How do the friends feel Happy Why Let’s read 请你 ... ...

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