
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.单元教学详案(6课时)人教版九年级全册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:98次 大小:8942422Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 教学目标与要求 话题:我们所发生的变化 (How we have changed) 功能:能谈论人物过去的特点 (Talk about what you used to be like) Mario used to be really short. He used to be so shy and quiet. I didn't use to be popular in school. 语法:能正确使用 used to结构描述或询问过去的情况 (Used to) Paula used to be really quiet. I didn't use to be popular in school. A: You used to be short, didn’t you B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. A: Did he use to wear glasses B: Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. 词汇和常用表达: 1. 能正确使用下列词汇 (Curriculum words) humorous, silent, helpful, Asian, private, European, African, British, proud, absent, general, score, background, ton, guard, speech, public, ant, examination, pride, introduction, interview, dare, require, influence, fail, seldom, exactly 2. 能正确使用下列常用表达 (Useful expressions) from time to time, deal with, in public, in person, take pride in, be proud of 3. 能认读下列词汇 (Non-curriculum words) shyness, crowd, insect, boarding school 学习策略: 1. 能根据上下文语境推测生词或短语的含义 2. 能根据篇章内容的前后逻辑联系判断缺失信息 3. 能灵活运用不同的短语表达同样的含义 文化知识: 1. 谈论他人相貌、性格并进行今昔对比时的语言运用得体性 2. 自我完善 (Self-improvement) Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 能掌握以下单词: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score 能掌握以下句型: ① Paula used to be really quiet. ② —Did Mario use to be short —Yes, he did. ③ —What’s he like now —He’s tall now. 2. 能够用英语描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情;发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。 3. 明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养积极向上的心态。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score 2) 学会描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情基本句型: I used to… 3) 发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。 2. 教学难点: used to do/be 句型 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming up Look at the pictures and describe people. What does he/she look like (short hair, curly hair, thin, heavy…) What is she like 通过图片对比人物前后变化,引出used to用法。 Ⅱ. Words presentation Look at the chart in 1a, then discuss with your group mates. Try to fill in the chart with words to describe people. Appearance Personality 2. Let some Ss say their answers. Let other Ss add more. Appearance: tall, straight hair, short, of medium height, curly hair, long/short hair, heavy, thin, of medium built … Personality: outgoing, shy, funny, serious, cute, quiet, kind, brave, friendly, active 3. Learn the new words: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score Ⅲ. New words 1) humorous adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 humor (幽默) + -ous → 有幽默感的 e.g. e.g. He is a kind and humorous person. 2) silent adj. 不说话的,沉默的;沉默寡言的 silent adj. → silence n. 沉默 e.g. Peter seems silent today. What’s the matter 3) helpful adj. 有帮助的;有用的;乐于助人的 help n. (帮助) + -ful → helpful adj. e.g. The book is really helpful. Ⅳ. Liste ... ...

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