
北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog课件(共23张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:91次 大小:29211066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Sports And Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog Do you know who they are Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant LeBron James (勒布朗·詹姆斯) Yao Ming A special basketball player… Tyrone Bogues (蒂尼·博格斯) The shortest player in NBA history and one of the fastest players on the court. The underdog Do you know who he is Guess the meaning of the word “underdog” A . A dog that is defeated by other dogs. B. An athlete who seems to have little chance to win. C. A company that never wins. √ Paul What is the main idea of the passage A.A great athlete won’t let anybody down. B.The shorter a player is,the better he plays. C.How Paul earned his place on the team by practising hard. D.An unexpected basketball game. √ Read for understanding Activity 1 Name: Height: Team: Favorite player: Job in the team: Paul Read for details Activity 2 Paul 1.6 metres tall The Lions Tyrone Bogues A basketball replacement Read Part 1 and find the related information about Paul. Read Part 1 again and choose the correct answer. 1.What is the main reason why Paul didn’t get a chance to make the team A.His coach was not confident about his height. B.He didn’t have the skills to play for the team. C.He didn’t have a desire to play for the team. D.He didn’t practise as hard as his teammates. √ 2. What can be inferred from the last paragraph A. Paul was happy to be a replacement of the Lions. B. His teammates doubted Paul’s ability. C. The Bears was unable to beat the Lions. D. Paul was likely to get a chance. √ Read for details Activity 3 Read Part 2 carefully and put the following events in the right order. Then write them in the notes and note down the coach’s attitude with evidence in the below column. One player got hurt and could not play. Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. “Give him a shot, coach!” The team had won by 2 points. “Let me try, coach! I won’t let you down!” The coach’s words We’ve got no more players ! Pual He can’t play ! OK, OK! Don’t let us down. It’s your time to shine. You’ve earned your place… big guy! Attitude worried distrustful hesitant hopeful proud Events a. One player got hurt and could not play. b. Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. c. “Give him a shot.” d. The team had won by 2 points. e. “Let me try! I won’t let you down!” worried distrustful hesitant hopeful proud Read for details Activity 4 What were Paul’s advantages and disadvantages as a basketball player Discuss in your group. Paul Advantages: 1.love for basketball 2.practice more 3.have an inspiration 4.be determined 5.have real skills 6.work hard 7.have a strong desire Disadvantages: 1.be short 2.be a replacement Advantages: 8. confident 9. skillful Discussion Activity 5 1.Why did the coach call Paul “big guy” What do you think the coach might have learnt from his experiences with Paul Because Paul finally helped the team win the match,the coach thought he was a great player ins ... ...

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