

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:18176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第五中学初一摸底英语试题 一、单项选择。(40分) ( ) 1. When do you finish class _ morning A. in B. on C. in the ( )2. I often go shopping _____ my father. A. and B. with C. of ( ) 3. —_____ do you get up —At 6:30 a. m. A. Why B. What C. When ( ) 4. You _____ a robot to help you! A. can B. do C. need ( )5. That picture _____ Beijing is beautiful. A. of B. for C. with ( )6. There are four _____ in a year. A. season B. seasones C. seasons ( )7. Why _____ you _____ today A. are; shopping B. do; shopping C. is; shopping ( )8. We often have an English party _____ April. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 9. I don’t like _____. It’s cold and snowy. A. spring B. autumn C. winter ( ) 10. We have _____ fun things in summer. A. a few B. few C. fews ( ) 11. There _____ beautiful flowers everywhere. A. is B. can C. are ( ) 12.—What can you do in summer I can _____. A. wear my new sweater B. play in the snow C. eat ice cream ( )13.—Why do you like summer —_____ I like summer vacation. A. Usually B. What C. Because ( ) 14. _____ you like the music A. Do B. Are C. Can ( )15. We usually have a school trip _____ autumn. A. on B. in C. at ( )16. _____ usually has twenty- eight days. A. May B. March C. February ( )17.—Work quietly, please. — A. Yes, I can. B. OK. C. No. ( )18. _____ listening to music. A. She. B. We C. She’s ( )19.—_____ do you go back to school _____ lunch —At 2:30. A. When; in B. How; at C. When; after ( )20. Mother’s Day is on the _____ Sunday in May. A. two B. second C. third 二、词型转换(20分) 1. winter vacation (汉语) _____ 2. dance (现在分词) _____ 3. you’ re (完整形式) _____ 4. last night (汉语) _____ 5. leaf (复数) _____ 6.散步 (译英语) _____ 7. you (名词性物主代词) _____ 8. jump (ing形式) _____ 9. sound (第三人称单数) _____ 10. September (缩写形式) _____ 三、连词成句(10分) 1. back when to school do after you lunch go ( ) _____ 2. birthday on my April is 4th (.) _____ 3. the we’ll to. Great go Wall (.) _____ 4. is drinking he water ( ) _____ 5 it’s with playing mother its (.) _____ 四、选答语。(10分) ( )1. Which season do you like A. It’s mine. ( )2. Where is your photo B. It’s on the wall. ( )3. Why do you like winter C. I like winter. ( )4. What are you doing D. Because I like snow. ( )5. Whose book is this E. I’m eating. 五.根据汉语补全句子(10分) 1. _____ is your birthday (什么时候) 2. That yellow picture is _____. (她的) 3. Is he _____ (正在喝水) 4. She is _____. (正在看书) 5. Shh. Talk _____. (小声讲话) 六、阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分) Hello, my name is Li Ming. I am making a birthday chart for my family. My birthday is in June. My mother’s birthday is in June. My grandpa’s birthday is in June. My grandpa is in America. He lives with Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary. So I usually send him an e- card on his birthday. There are two birthdays in November, my father’s and Cousin Alice’s. Alice likes dolls, so I often send her some beautiful dolls. My grandma’s birthday is in April. It is very warm and nice in April. When her b ... ...

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