

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:19294Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第七周 Unit 5—Unit 6 —八年级上册英语人教版每周测验 一、单选题 1.She takes _____ mother's place to cook in the kitchen. A.he B.him C.her D.she 2.Teachers expect all their students _____ progress day by day. A.to make B.make C.to take D.take 3.—What do you think of this sitcom —_____, because it’s too long and many stories are made up. A.I like it B.I don’t mind it C.I can’t stand it D.I love it 4.—Jack, let’s have a picnic after school. —Sorry. I have _____ Frank that I will work on the biology report with him. A.advised B.expected C.suggested D.promised 5.—How are you going to be a tennis player —Well, I'm going to keep on_____ tennis. A.practice B.practicing C. practiced D.to practicing 二、翻译句子 6.不要轻易向别人许下诺言。 Don't_____ _____ _____ others easily. 7.当你离开教室时别忘记确保灯是关着的。 Don't forget to _____ _____ the lights are off when you leave the classroom. 8.他生病了。由于这个原因,他昨天没有来学校。 He was sick. _____ _____ _____, he didn't come to school yesterday. 9.在这个月的月初,萨拉开始了一个新的爱好。 _____ _____ _____ _____ this month, Sara took up a new hobby. 10.她打算继续写故事,因为她想当作家。 She _____ _____ _____ _____ writing stories because she wants to be a writer. 三、阅读理解 ①Many people dream big although they come from humble(卑微的) beginnings. José Hernández is one of them. Hernández was born into a family of farm workers in 1962 in the USA. He spent most of his youth working in the fields, picking fruits and vegetables. As a kid, Hernández didn't get a good education. But Hernández dreamed big. When he was ten, he decided to be an astronaut after watching the Apollo spacewalks(太空行走) on television. ②The dream might seem out of reach, but he went for it anyway. In high school, Hernández was already interested in science and engineering. So he studied electrical engineering in college and he got his master's degree(硕士学位) in engineering later. After he finished studies, he worked in a lab and then began to apply(申请) for astronaut training. ③However, the road toward becoming an astronaut was not easy. NASA turned him down many times. "NASA turned me down 11 times. It wasn't until the 12th time that I got accepted," he said. Hernández finally joined NASA in 2004. In 2009, he flew into space, spending 14 days traveling around the earth. He made his dream of becoming an astronaut come true. Now Hernández is no longer an astronaut, but he hopes to encourage kids to reach for the stars. He started Reaching for the Stars, an organization that helps children develop an interest in science, technology, engineering and math. His message to kids is "④ Hard work and not giving up and not being afraid to dream big." 11.Which of the following can be the topic sentence of Paragraph 2 A. Hernández dreamed big though he had a bad background. B. Hernández took up spacewalks as his interest. C. Hernández had a hard life when he was little. D. People should have a big dream from a young a ... ...

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