
Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 书面表达真题精练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:34次 大小:361990Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 书面表达真题精练 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、书面表达 1.(22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)书面表达。 看图,写一段话来描述房间里的物品。要求:使用there be句型,不少于5句话。语法正确,句意连贯。参考词汇:sofa vase (花瓶) beside in front of soft on the wall 2.(22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)用“there be”句型介绍自己的房间。不少于5句话。 This is my _____. There _____ some books _____ the table. There _____ a chair _____ the table. There . There . 3.(22-23六年级上·湖北·期末)请你以“My classroom”为题,用there be 句型向大家介绍你的教室。要求:语法正确,语句通顺,不少于40个单词。 My classroom 4.(22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)写作。 请以“My bedroom”为题,介绍一下你的卧室。需使用“There be”句型,要求语句通顺,标点正确,不少于5句话。 My bedroom 参考答案: 1.范文: Look! This is a beautiful room. There are two sofas. They are soft. The desk is in front of the window. There is a book and a vase on it. Some beautiful flowers are in the vase. And there is a picture and a big TV on the wall. I always watch TV with my parents on Saturday evening. I love this room. 【详解】题干解读:该题目要求看图使用there be句型描述房间内的物品。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。 参考词汇与句型: 参考单词和短语:sofa沙发,soft柔软的,desk书桌,in front of在……前面,window窗户,flowers花,on the wall在墙上,watch TV看电视 参考句型:There are …;There is …; 2.例文 This is my bedroom. There are some books on the table. There is a chair beside the table. There is a picture on the wall. There is a big bed in my bedroom. There are some plants near the table. My bedroom is nice and clean. I love it very much. 【详解】题干解读:该题目是用“there be”句型介绍自己的房间,时态是一般现在时,要求语句通顺,不少于5句话。 参考词汇及参考句型: 参考词汇:bedroom卧室,books书,table桌子,chair椅子,beside在……旁边,picture图片,on the wall在墙上,bed床,plant植物,nice漂亮的,clean干净的 参考句型:There is…;There are… 3.范文: My classroom Hello, I'm Li Ling. This is my classroom. It's big and bright. There are forty-five desks and chairs in my classroom. There are two blackboards. And there is a flag in front of the classroom. And there is a computer in my classroom. There are some pictures on the wall. And there are some lights. This is my classroom. Welcome to my classroom. 【详解】题干解读:该题目要求用there be句型来介绍自己的教室。然后再阐述教室里的物品及位置。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。 参考词汇与句型: 参考单词:classroom教室;bright明亮的;blackboard黑板;light灯;welcome欢迎; 参考句型:This is...;It's...;There are...;And there is...; 【点睛】 4.范文: My bedroom Look! This is my bedroom. It is small but nice. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a computer in it. The bed and the chair are soft. And there is a picture on the wall. The desk is white. The computer is on it. The chair is near the desk. I love my bedroom. 【详解】题干解读:该题目要求用 ... ...

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