
Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 补全对话或短文真题精练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:16次 大小:452567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 补全对话或短文真题精练 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、补全对话/短文 (23-24五年级上·全国·随堂练习)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 A: Mum, I’m 1 . B: 2 some cakes in the fridge. You can 3 some. A: All right. And I’m 4 too. B: 5 some orange juice in the cupboard (橱柜). A: Oh, Mum. 6 7 any orange juice here 8 the orange juice B: Look! 9 10 on the tea table. A: Thanks, Mum. (2022五年级上·江苏·专题练习)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 A: Welcome to my home, Alice! B: Thanks! 11 A: Thank you. We can see many kinds of flowers in it. B: 12 A: It’s on the first floor. B: Where’s the kitchen A: 13 B: Are bedrooms on the second floor A: Yes, they are. 14 B: Could you show me around A: OK. 15 This way, please. A.There is a garden around your house. It’s beautiful. B.It’s next to the dining room. C.Let’s go and have a look. D.And there’s a study, too. E.Where is the living room (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 Mum: 16 Tina: I’m thirsty, Mum. Mum: 17 Tina: Where is the milk Mum: 18 Tina: But I cannot see any milk in the fridge. Mum: Really Let me see. Oh! Your grandpa drank it up yesterday. You can have some orange juice. Tina: 19 I don’t like it. A.What’s the matter B.There is some in the fridge. C.The orange juice is too sweet. D.You can have some milk. (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)看图,完成对话。 A: 20 to my home. B: Thank you. Wow, your 21 room is so big. A: Look at the two 22 on the wall. I like drawing. B: They’re nice. Oh, I like the toy 23 on the chair. 24 is it A: It’s my sister’s. 25 you like a 26 B: Yes, 27 . I like eating fruit. Ah, what’s 28 the table A: 29 30 two pairs of 31 . (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 A: Mum, I’m 32 . B: 33 some juice in the fridge. You can 34 some. A: Thanks, Mum. I’m 35 too. B: There 36 some hot dogs in the 37 too. A: Oh, Mum. There aren’t 38 hot dogs. 39 are they B: Look! 40 on the table in the kitchen. A: 41 you, Mum. B: That’s all right. (22-23五年级上·江苏·课时练习)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 Wang Bing: Good afternoon, Su Hai. Su Hai: 42 43 , Wang Bing. Wang Bing: Look! 44 a picture on the wall. Su Hai: Yes. There are many chairs in it. Wang Bing: 45 46 a classroom (教室) Su Hai: No, it isn’t. It’s a reading room. (阅览室) Wang Bing: I see. I like reading books. 47 48 you Su Hai: 49 50 . (22-23五年级上·江苏·课时练习)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 A: Mum, I’m 51 . B: 52 53 some cakes in the fridge. You can 54 some. A: Thanks, Mum. I’m 55 too. B: 56 some apple juice in the cupboard (橱柜). A: Oh, Mum. 57 58 any apple juice there. 59 the apple juice B: Look! 60 61 in the living room. A: Thanks, Mum. (22-23四年级·江苏·单元测试)根据上下文提示, 完成对话。 A: Look at Su Yang’s gloves. B: 62 A: 63 B: They’re her father’s. A: 64 B: It’s my cousin’s. A: 65 B: Thank you. 66 A: All right. A.Whose cap is this, Helen B.They’re so big. C.Try it. ... ...

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