
Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 完形填空真题精练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:62次 大小:291748Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 完形填空真题精练 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 (23-24五年级上·江苏泰州·期中)完形填空。 This is Jack’s ideal (理想的) room. It’s a 1 room. There is a bed, a chair, a bookcase and a desk in it. Oh, 2 under the bed It’s a cat. Some books and CDs are on the bookcase, and there is a cup on the desk. There is 3 tea in it. Oh, 4 Jack’s ball It’s 5 the door. 1.A.nice B.well C.right 2.A.who B.who’s C.what’s 3.A.some B.a C.an 4.A.where’re B.what’s C.where’s 5.A.under B.behind C.in (23-24五年级上·全国·随堂练习)完形填空。 This is 6 house. It’s very 7 . There 8 seven 9 in his house. Look! This is 10 bedroom. There 11 a big bed and a new desk in the bedroom. There are some books and a pencil case on the desk. In the pencil case, there 12 any pens. Where 13 his pens Oh, 14 on the floor, 15 the chair. 6.A.Su Yang’s B.Mike’s C.Wang Bing 7.A.short B.nice C.love 8.A.am B.is C.are 9.A.room B.rooms C.a room 10.A.his B.her C.him 11.A.is B.are C.am 12.A.isn’t B.are C.aren’t 13.A.are B.am C.is 14.A.he’s B.they’re C.it’s 15.A.between B.beside C.next (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)This is my bedroom. There 16 some pictures on the wall. There’s a nice lamp 17 the desk. A football is 18 the chair. 19 is the bed It’s near the window. My father and 20 bedroom is near my bedroom. 21 flowers and a nice big bed 22 in their room. There are some windows 23 the wall. There’s a yellow door in the wall, 24 . Do you like my bedroom or 25 16.A.has B.is C.are 17.A.in B.on C.under 18.A.to B.in C.under 19.A.Who B.How C.Where 20.A.brother B.mother C.mother’s 21.A.A B.The C.Some 22.A.isn’t B.is C.are 23.A.on B.under C.in 24.A.there B.too C.here 25.A.their room B.their C.theirs (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)This is my bedroom. You can see 26 pictures on the wall. A nice light is 27 the desk. A football is 28 the chair. 29 is the bed It’s near the window. My father and 30 bedroom is near my bedroom. 31 flowers and a nice big bed 32 in their room. Some windows are 33 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall 34 . Do you like my bedroom and 35 26.A.some B.a C.an 27.A.under B.in C.on 28.A.in B.under C.to 29.A.What B.Where C.How 30.A.mothers’ B.mother C.mother’s 31.A.Some B.some C.these 32.A.am B.are C.is 33.A.on B.in C.under 34.A.too B.either C.to 35.A.their B.them C.their bedroom (22-23五年级上·江苏·单元测试)This is my bedroom. You can see 36 pictures on the wall. A nice light is 37 the desk. A football is 38 the chair. 39 is the bed It’s near the window. My father and 40 bedroom is near my bedroom. 41 flowers and a nice big bed 42 in their room. Some windows are 43 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, 44 . Do you like my bedroom and 45 36.A.a B.an C.some 37.A.in B.on C.under 38.A.to B.in C.under 39.A.Who B ... ...

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