
中职英语 外研版 (2019)拓展模块Unit 3 We Are Part of Nature:Listening and Speaking 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:98次 大小:73728Byte 来源:二一课件通
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单元名称 Unit 3 We Are Part of Nature 课型 Listening and Speaking 教学目标 能够听懂常见环保行为和措施相关的词句,听懂并谈论世界知名环保节日的相关话题,恰当使用所学词句描述生活中可以践行的环保措施。能够捕捉独白中起到理清说话者陈述次序的信号词,利用信号词确定独白中的环保措施及其次序,并结合自身实践补充可行的环保措施。能够通过讨论环保话题树立环保意识,形成国际化的环保视野,为践行环保理念奠定基础。能够运用预测、记录关键词等听力策略完成语言任务;养成使用次序信号词的表达意识和习惯使语言表达条理化。 思政目标:1. 能够通过了解“地球日”,形成国际化的环保视野,增强保护环境、爱护自然的意识;2. 能够自觉践行“保护环境,人人有责”宣传倡议。 教学重点 能听懂与环保行为和措施相关的词句表达,如local produce, public transport, A-rated fridge, recyclable packaging, reusable tableware, sort rubbish, energy consumption, celebrate Earth Day, environmental policy, reduce pollution, save electricity等。能运用目标词句描述生活中可以践行的环保措施,并结合自身实践补充可行的环保措施。 教学难点 能运用目标词句描述生活中可以践行的环保措施,并结合自身实践补充可行的环保措施。 教学方法 交际教学法、任务教学法、情境教学法 教学手段 PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、环保行为及措施图片等 教学过程 教学环节与时间分配 教学活动与步骤 设计意图 评价要点 Warm-up3’ T shows the title of this unit “We are part of nature”, and asks Ss to predict the theme and content of this unit according to the title. T helps with theme-related words and expressions if Ss have difficulty in answering. 利用单元标题引入单元主题,根据单元标题猜测单元主题及内容以激活学生的背景知识和主题词汇。 依据单元标题猜测单元话题及内容,可用英文尝试说出对单元标题的进一步理解。 Pre-listening8’ 1. Ss listen to the recording to catch the expressions for environmental protection measures in life. Ss match pictures in Activity One with the expressions for environmental protection measures. 通过多图拓展背景词汇,通过图、词、音、义的配对及时巩固新知。 正确匹配生活中的环保措施和相关英文表达。 2. T asks Ss what other ways people have to protect the environment both at home and at school. T encourages Ss to work in groups to brainstorm more environmental protection ways and measures. T lists Ss' answers on the board. 拓展描述环保措施的背景知识和相关英语表达,为后续听说教学做好铺垫。 罗列出家庭或者校园中常见的环保措施,并能通过小组讨论开拓思维说出更多环保措施。 3. After group brainstorming, T shows pictures to enrich Ss' ideas of environmental protection in life. T encourages Ss to tell the measures in English and helps with vocabulary if Ss have difficulty in expressing ideas. T reminds Ss to add useful expressions to their note-taking. 利用图片扩充学生的环保知识面并为重点词汇及表达作铺垫,为语言学习做准备。 用英文说出图中显示的环保措施,并在笔记上补充环保措施的英文表达。 While-listening23’ T tells Ss that both Robin and Jessie are environmental protection supporters and they are now in an interview about environmental protection. Ss listen and read the related words and expressions from the box in Activity One and then guess what enviro ... ...

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