
Unit1 Mount Taishan课件(14张ppt)-《旅游英语视听说(下篇)》同步教学(外研版)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:33次 大小:6932992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Mount Taishan In this unit, you will learn how to: introduce Mount Taishan to tourists. 2. show tourists around Mount Taishan as a tour guide. Warming up Match the Chinese scenic sites with their English terms. 1. 岱宗坊 A. Mid-heaven Gate 2. 中天门 B. Daizong Archway 3. 桃花园 C. Red Gate 4. 桃花峪 D. Tianzhu Peak 5. 红门 E. Jade Emperor Peak 6. 天烛峰 F. Peach Blossom Garden 7. 玉皇顶 G. South Gate of Heaven 8. 南天门 H. Moon Viewing Peak 9. 月观峰 I. Peach Blossom Ravine 10. 天地广场 J. Heaven and Earth Square Warming up Look at the following picture and try to collect some information about it Warming up TEXT Mount Taishan is a primary stop for tourists in China. Upon arriving at the entrance gate to Mount Taishan, visitors quickly become fascinated by the enchanting scenery, asking many questions about it. Xiao Huang, an overseas travel service tour guide, gives them an animated (生动的) introduction to the site. ... ... 文本略 Warming up TEXT Key sentence patterns and phrases: 1. be fascinated by... 被……迷住 2. with an elevation of... 海拔为…… 3. be honored as... 被誉为…… 4. be listed as... 被列为…… 5. be designated as... 被命名为…… 6. a bird’s eye view 鸟瞰…… Warming up TEXT 1. Mount Taishan is referred to as “Chief of the _____Great Mountains” and the “First Mountain Under Heaven”. 2. Mount Taishan is honored as a _____mountain and a _____ the of China’s national spirit. 3. The _____ , Sunset Glow, the Yellow River’s Golden Belt, and the Sea of theClouds are _____ of Mount Taishan. 4. _____ is the largest and most comprehensive ancient building complex onMount Taishan. 5. Bixia Temple is located _____of Jade Emperor Peak. Fill in the blanks. five scared symbol Sunrise four wonders Dai Temple south Warming up TEXT 1. Mount Taishan is the highest peak in Shandong. ( ) 2. In 1987, Mount Taishan was listed as both a world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO. ( ) 3. Dai Temple is located at the foot of Mount Taishan in the city of Tai’an and covers an area of 96,000 square meters. ( ) 4. The name, Bixia Temple, was replaced by Zhaozhen Temple in 1770 during the Qing Dynasty after a restoration. ( ) 5. Jade Emperor Peak is now reported as being 1,545 meters. ( ) Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). T T T F T Warming up TEXT Suppose you are a tour guide. You have two days to show a group of foreign tourists around Mount Taishan. Work out a tour route and make a presentation. Information Corner Five Great Mountains in China: 中华五岳 1. Mount Taishan in Shandong Province 东岳泰山 2. Mount Songshan in Henan Province 中岳嵩山 3. Mount Huashan in Shaanxi Province 西岳华山 4. Mount Hengshan in Shanxi Province 北岳恒山 5. Mount Hengshan in Hunan Province 南岳衡山 Mountains in China (1) Information Corner Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism: 四大佛教名山 1. Mount Wutaishan in Shanxi Province 山西五台山 2. Mount Emeishan in Sichuan ... ...

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