
中职英语 外研版(2019) 拓展模块Unit 2 It’s Always Nice to Be Polite:Grammar in Use 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:29次 大小:32445Byte 来源:二一课件通
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单元名称 Unit 2 It's Always Nice to Be Polite 课型 Grammar in Use 教学目标 能够辨认状语从句及其在句中的位置,理解状语从句的意义和作用。 能够正确使用结果、条件、时间三类状语从句的引导词。 能够正确使用状语从句修饰动词或句子,表达结果、条件和时间。 能够通过观察主动找出状语从句的结构特点;培养利用板书回顾要点、整理拓展思维、辅助课堂学习的学习意识和习惯。 思政目标: 能够基于本单元的礼仪素养主题,学习状语从句的用法,在学习和使用中加深对本单元主题意义的理解。 教学重点 能够分辨出结果、条件、时间三类状语从句,并说出各状语从句的含义。 2. 能够选择合适的引导词构成正确的状语从句以表达结果、条件和时间。 教学难点 能够选择合适的引导词构成正确的状语从句以表达结果、条件和时间。 教学方法 交际教学法、任务教学法 教学手段 PPT课件、多媒体设备等 教学过程 教学环节与 时间分配 教学活动与步骤 设计意图 评价要点 Warm-up 3’ T shows Ss the following three sentences and Ss tell the meaning of them. I’ve got an internship for this summer, so I’m busy preparing for it. But if you do make an effort during the internship, things will work out. Take a breath before you hit “Send”. 回顾本单元内已读过的三个状语从句,引导学生理解其含义和相关背景知识。 尝试说出三句话的含义。 Presentation 15’ 1. Ss listen to the recording of the three sentences. Ss discuss in pairs and try to tell the meaning of three adverbial clauses in the sentences. T helps Ss get the answer and tells Ss that the underlined parts are called adverbial clauses. 通过再次听三个状语从句的录音或教师朗读及小组讨论,自主总结状语从句所表达的含义。 尝试说出状语从句所表达的含义。 T asks Ss to observe the three adverbial clauses and tell the similarity in structure. T elicits from Ss that all the adverbial clauses start with linking words (subordinating conjunctions) like so, if and before. 引导学生观察状语从句的结构,自主总结状语从句引导词(从属连词)的作用。 尝试说出状语从句是由从句引导词(从属连词)引出。 T shows six more sentences together with the three in the second step, which show nine main types of adverbial clauses. T asks Ss to circle the subordinating conjunctions, underline the adverbial clauses, and tell their locations and meanings. 学生通过自主学习与小组合作探究,归纳例句中的语言规律和功能。 正确说出例句中的从属连词、从句位置以及含义。 Ss work in groups to inductively state the structure and function, location and types of adverbial clauses. T helps Ss to modify and list them on the board. 归纳总结状语从句的基本作用、位置和分类,帮助学生将状语从句的知识框架化和系统化。 能简述状语从句如下概念:状语从句可用于修饰整个句子;在句中位置灵活,可放置在主句前后;具有表达时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等功能。 T shows more example sentences which highlight three types of adverbial clauses: result, condition and time. Ss work in groups to find out the subordinating conjunctions and explain their functions. T checks and corrects Ss' understanding of the sentences and subordinating conjunctions if needed. 运用刚建构的状语从句知识框架来分析结果、条件、时间三类状语从句,巩固并加深对状语从句的理解,为后 ... ...

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