

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:95次 大小:16505872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    吉林省吉林市亚桥中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题答案 一、听力 1. (1)C (2)A (3)A (4)B (5)C 2. (6)B (7)A (8)C (9)A (10)C 3. (11)E (12)D (13)A (14)C (15)B 4. (16)F (17)T (18)T (19)F (20)F 二、基础知识 5. (21)May; appear (22)accidents (23)sleepy (24)them (25)from 6. (26)C (27)B (28)A (29)A (30)C (31)B (32)A (33)B (34)A (35)A 三、交际运用 7. (36)C (37)B (38)F (39)B (40)D 8. (41)How old is he (42)Why (43)But I don't think so (44)serious (45)Good idea 四、阅读 9. (46)role (47)invented (48)daily (49)ourselves (50)if 10. (51)B (52)A (53)C (54)A (55)C 11. (56)changed (57)silent (58)called (59)friends (60)playing (61)surprise (62)reason (63)lucky (64)than (65)of 12. (66)B (67)D (68)A (69)C (70)B 13. (71)A (72)B (73)C (74)D (75)C 14. (76)T (77)T (78)F (79)F (80)T 15. (81)D (82)B (83)C (84)E (85)A 16. (a)(86)D (87)A (88)E (89)C (90)B (b)(91)speak (92)down (93)like (94)enough (95)doctor 17. (96)It was a ship. (97)There were 10 people on board. (98)It was found on December 4th, 1872. (99)Yes, it was. (100)To search for the answers to all these problems. 五、书面表达 Dear grandparents, How is it going I hope you are both healthy. I came to Changchun with my parents two years ago. My life has changed a lot. In England, I often chatted with you and I had many friends. But now my parents are very busy and I have no one to talk to. I don't have many friends here, either. In England, I had bread and milk for breakfast. But now I am used to having noodles and eggs. And I am much stronger. In the past, I didn't like sports and I liked rock music. Now I am more interested in basketball and Chinese culture. Mom and Dad send their love. Wish you happy and healthy. Yours, Peter

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