
Unit 6 A Day in the Life 词汇知识点课件【新人教(2024)版七上英语】

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:7878608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 A Day in the LIfe 重点词汇知识点详解 重点单词 PART ONE shower n.淋浴,淋浴器 I think I'll go home and have a shower. 我想我要回家冲澡了。 I think I'll take a shower before dinner. 我想晚饭前我要来次淋浴。 brush I wash it with a big brush. 我拿着大刷子冲洗它。 I brush my teeth in my bathroom. 我在卫生间刷牙。 n.刷子 v.刷 复数: brushes tooth n.牙齿 When did she cut her first tooth 她什么时候长出的第一颗牙? He's got a front tooth missing. 他有一颗门牙掉了。 复数: teeth duty n. 值班,职责 Who's on duty today 今天谁值班? We have a duty to uphold the law. 维护法律是我们的责任。 She felt it her duty to tell the police. 她认为报警是她的义务。 值班 off duty下班 usually adv.通常地,一般地 She usually wears long skirts. 她通常穿长裙。 I'm usually out during the day. 白天我通常不在家。 reporter n.记者 She was a TV reporter and worked long hours. 她曾是个电视记者,长时间工作。 The reporter jumps on his bike. 记者跳到了他的自行车上。 I want to find a friendly reporter. 我要找个友好的记者。 around prep.大约 He arrived around five o'clock. 他大约是五点钟到的。 There was no one else around. 周围没有其他人。 I could hear laughter all around. 我可以听见周围的笑声。 around the world 全世界 homework n.作业 How much homework do you get 你有多少家庭作业? I'll do my homework after supper. 晚饭后我要做家庭作业。 I've got a lot of homework tonight. 我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。 不可数名词 housework saying n.谚语,格言 ‘Accidents will happen’, as the saying goes . 常言道:“意外事,总难免。” 正如谚语所说 rise v.升起,增强 I'm going to ask for a rise. 我打算要求加薪 Smoke was rising from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里升起 The river has risen (by) several metres. 河水上升了好几米。 n.增加,升起 rise-rose-risen stay v.停留,待 Stay there and don't move!待在那儿别动! She stayed at home while the children were young. 孩子们小的时候,她没出去上班。 routine n.常规 daily routine 日常生活;日常工作 Make exercise a part of your daily routine . 让锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分 restaurant n.餐馆,餐厅 chinese restaurant 中餐厅;中餐馆 We had a meal in a restaurant. 我们在餐厅吃了顿饭 while 1)conj.在…期间;当…的时候=when Her parents died while she was still at school. 她还在读书时父母就去世了 You can go swimming while I'm having lunch. 我吃午饭时你可以去游泳 时间状语从句 2)n.一段时间,一会 They chatted for a while . 他们聊了一会儿。 Once in a while, I like to watch scary movies. 偶尔,我喜欢看恐怖电影。 weekend n.周末 The office is closed at the weekend . 本办事处星期六和星期日不办公。 We go skiing most weekends in winter. 我们在冬天的周末大多去滑雪 在周末 daily adj.每日的,日常的 daily life 日常生活 Her daily life involved meeting lots of people. 她在日常生活中要接触很多人。 only adv.只,仅 The bar is for members only . 这间酒吧只对会员开放 It only took a few seconds. 那只需要几秒钟 not only``````but also 不但·····而且 break Let's take a break . 咱们休息会儿吧 She worked all day without a break. 她接连工作了一 ... ...

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