
译林版三起六年级英语上学期Unit 1-Unit 2月考重难点易错拔高卷(含答案)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:62439Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1-Unit 2月考重难点易错拔高卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、选择题 1.—This is a (n) _____. He’s wearing a kilt. ( ) —Yes. He’s wearing their traditional (传统的) clothes. A.American cowboy B.Scottish man C.Chinese man 2.The Scottish man is wearing the _____. ( ) A.jeans B.kilt C.shorts 3.It’s too cold outside. _____ your coat, please. ( ) A.Put on B.Wear C.Try on 4.—_____you in Hailing last week ( ) —No, I _____ in Jiangyan. A.Did; was B.Were; were C.Were; was D.Was; a 5.It’s _____ turn. Please make a sentence with “egg”. ( ) A.you B.him C.we D.Mike’s 6.找出句中划线部分发音不同的单词:Many years ago, my dear father went to the factory near my house early. ( ) A.year B.dear C.near D.early 7.We had a picnic _____ the National Day. ( ) A.on B.at C.in D.for 8.—Does Mike often _____ kites at the weekends ( ) —No, but he _____kites with me last weekend. A.fly; is flying B.flew; flew C.fly; flew D.flew; is flying 9.On Monday, there was heavy rain. I fell down and my leg hurt. _____! ( ) A.Well done B.How wonderful C.What a day 10.Sam wants to know why Bobby is so sad. He asks, “_____” ( ) A.Where were you B.What happened, Bobby C.Where did you go 二、单词题 1.wear (过去式) 2.can (过去式) 3.there (同音词) 4.tell (过去式) 5.angry (副词) 6.good (副词) 7.sun (形容词) 8.become (过去式) 9.high (同音词) 10.meet (同音词) 11.bring (过去式) 12.lost (动词原形) 三、填空题 (A)根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子 1.There are many black c in the sky. Maybe it’s going to rain soon. 2.It was r and Mike didn’t take an umbrella. He was w . 3.—David can’t come to your party today, Ben. —Oh What (发生) 4.The boy didn’t (穿新衣服) last Spring Festival. 5.Why did the little boy (嘲笑) the king (B)用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Look, the dress fits you (good). 2.It is her turn. She is thinking (hardly) about how (play) this game. 3.The two (man) visited the king. 4.They have to (walk) to their house. 5.It yesterday and it is still (rain) today. 6.Helen went boating and (fly) a kite high in the park. 7.My friend (bring) me a sandwich this morning and it was delicious. (C)从方框中选择合适的介词填空。 onto for on by 1.It’s time dinner. Go and tell your father. 2.More and more people like to travel train. 3.We saw some ink(墨水) the bench. We couldn’t sit there. 4.The wind is too strong. I can’t hold my umbrella. 四、句型转换 1.The sweater fit him well. (改为一般疑问句) the sweater him well 2.Mike showed a map to his dad. (改为同义句) Mike a map. 3.There were many children in the playground. (改为单数句) There a in the playground. 4.Try on these new clothes, please. (改为否定句) Please try on these new clothes. 5.The king is wearing some clothes. (改为否定句) The king clothes. 五、匹配题 A.I can see seven. B.Thank you. C.I’m sorry. D.Great. E. Yes, I can. 1.Your cap is so cool. ( ) 2.Can you make a model plane ( ) 3.How many postcards can you see ( ) 4.Let’ ... ...

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